Chapter 6: A Bundle Of Visions Pt. 1

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Hey, guys~! ^3^ So, there's gonna be a TON of visions in the next two chapters ^^" Just letting you guys, so get ready for le visions~!

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As soon as Vector fell unconscious, the others panicked. Dumon checked Vector in case it was something on his physical body that was bothering him. There was of course none.

"We gotta take him to a doctor!" yelled Yuma. The others nodded. Girag, being the strongest physical wise there, picked up Vector. Mizael and Dumon ran towards the hospital, leading the others there.

Everyone bursted through the door of the hospital emergency room. Doctors and nurses snapped their heads up, looking at the group of middle and high schoolers.

"We need help!" Rio yelled as she and the others entered. Girag lifted Vector, showing them to the doctors and nurses then Dumon began to explain what happened before Vector suddenly fell unconscious.

The doctors nodded and immediately took Vector to an examining room. The crazed Barian was mumbling inaudible things the whole time. At first the doctors were puzzled as to why he was mumbling, but soon ignored it as they needed to focus on what was wrong with Vector.

All the while, the rest of the Barians, Astral, Rose, and Yuma waited anxious in the waiting room. Yuma paced the room with Alito, stopping in place from time to time just to start off into space then start walking again.

About an hour later, the main doctor came with a half smile-half frown. Everyone who was sitting immediately stood up while Yuma and Alito stopped in their place and stared at the doctor.

The doctor smiled at the young teenagers then took out a clipboard. "Are you friends of Rei?" he asked. The kids nodded. "I see. Well, so far, nothing seems to be wrong with him physically."

"Physically?" Rio asked "Then does it have to do with his brain?"

The doctor nodded "Yes, but we're not sure what it is. For now, he'll have to stay in the hospital until we find out what's wrong with him and when he wakes up."

Everyone sighed as the doctor lead them to Vector's room where he'd be staying until he woke up. In the room, Vector was laying on bed next to a window. He was the only person in there. He wasn't hooked up to anything except for a heart monitor in case something should happen to him that stopped his heart. On the monitor, it showed that his heart was beating at a normal pace.

Everyone grabbed pulled up a chair and sat in a circle around Vector. They looked a him worriedly with frowns etched on their faces. The doctor watched them with pity in his eyes. "If you kids want to stay with him for the night then you may. Just make sure that your parents know about this." he left without another word, closing the door behind him.

The room was silent. Everyone was deep in thought, thinking about what caused Vector's condition. It was then that Vector started mumbling. Alarmed and hopeful, everyone jumped out of their seats and ran over to Vector.

They looked down on him with anxious expressions. Vector was covered in sweat. He was mumbling all kinds of thing that no one understood.

"What's wrong with him...?" Rose asked worriedly.

~In Vector's Head POV~

The vision I felt from before was a lot more violent than I expected. It was like being tackled by Alito, then Girag, and then a truck. It was worse than the times Don Thousand punished me!

But the reason for this was because it was more than one vision. Scattered images of my past life passed through my head in the thousands. In almost every image was that same scarlet hair girl. At first, she looked like a kid like in all the other visions I've had of her, then she started growing up along with my past self.

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