Chapter 16: Back Again

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"Wait, you know that woman?!" screamed Yuma. He was about to say something else but he was cut short by Dark throwing some kind of bottle at him. The bottle hit home and cracked the moment it made contact with Yuma's face, leaving shards of glass on the floor and some on the boy's face.

Yuma yelped and rubbed his face. Dark yelled something and lunged at the human boy but was yanked back by Eliphas just in time.

Ignoring what just happened, Don Thousand nodded. He seemed to be a bit disturbed by the recent information. He even backed away from Vector until he was a safe distance away! Everyone saw this and noted his behavior. Weird, huh?

"Is that woman terrifying or something?" Mizael hissed "From what I've heard that girl seems to be nothing but an annoying brat." The Dragon Tamer had his arms crossed over his chest and was currently the one closest to Vector, physically showing that he wasn't afraid of the woman locked in Vector's mind.

The Barian God shook his head. "No, that woman isn't terrifying. She's just..." he paused looking for the right words to describe her. "She's just annoyingly determined and short-tempered. It's best not to mess with her."

"So you've met her, I presume?" asked Astral. Don Thousand nodded. "Then explain."

"I know her from when I was modifying Vector's memories." at this the Barians cringed which the Barian God failed to notice. That or he didn't give a damn. (Cuz Don Thousand is a boss! XD) "I was going to block out certain parts of his memory when that woman came out of nowhere and took those memories away and sealed them away. I don't remember what those memories were though. It was too long ago to remember."

Astral sighed. "This is starting to become troublesome..." he rubbed the gems on his temples which helped relieve the slight headache coming.

"If it's getting stressful, you should just stop and leave Vector alone." giggled Dark.

He was glaring at Vector like he was the one thing he hated more than anything else in the whole world which was a strange expression to go with that giggle he made earlier. And frankly, it was Yuma he hated who he hated more than anything in the world.

"Dark, be quiet. I said I would help Vector solve his problem and I will not go back on my word." Astral huffed.

Dark scowled, crossed his arms, then plopped down on the floor, keeping his narrowed eyes on the sleeping Barian.

"Why don't you guys just go in there again and talk to that mean lady instead of trying to release the seal on that dumb butt then?" Dark pouted. "I mean there must be some way you guys can talk to her without provoking her, especially you, Astral! You can persuade anyone; piece of cake!"

Ena shrugged. "There's nothing wrong with trying, Astral. Dark may be silly and dumb at some times but he does have a point. We haven't tried talking to her without a threatening aura. Maybe if we're gentle and cautious she may tell us a few things." she suggested, looking to Astral.

Astral thought it over for some minutes. With a sigh, he agreed with a stiff nod of his head. Ena smiled then looked to Eliphas, who also agreed.

"Then it's agreed. Me, Astral and Eliphas will be going back into Vector's mind to talk to that woman. If we have anything we'll come back and inform everyone." Ena explained.

Suddenly a screen display showed up. It showed a bank in the Astral World not too far from the Astral Tower. The bank was currently being robbed by a lone woman. Upon seeing this, Eliphas rubbed his temple gems, muttering something under his breath.

He looked to Ena and Astral. "It appears that I cannot accompany you two this time. As you can see she is robbing a bank." he sighed, "Again."

"But that is but a single woman. Can you not send other Astral Beings to be rid of her?" Don Thousand purred, amused that something as small as a bank robbery would need the assistance of Eliphas, one of Astral World's strongest warriors.

"It appears that only I am able to capture that woman. Other Astral Beings are unable to capture her because of her swift and stealth, it seems. And even when caught and captured, that woman has been able to escape every prison, jail, and cell, we have put in her."

Don Thousand couldn't help but laugh. "How pathetic." he mused with a smug grin.

Eliphas ignored him then transported himself out of the room, the screen display disappearing the same time.

Astral shook his head. "Great. The situation is becoming even more troublesome."

~Some Time Later~

Astral, Ena, and Don Thousand entered Vector's mind. In case you're wondering, Don Thousand accompanied them because Astral couldn't trust Dark in Vector's mind and while it would've been nice to have Serenia come along, they needed someone to watch Dark. Dark would destroy the place without hesitation and that would do them no good!

Upon entering the Crazed Barian's mind, they were placed in a void of blackness. They all remained calm, though, for this did happen the last time they came here.

"Where do you think the woman is?" Ena pondered.

Astral shrugged. "I do not have a clue, but let's start looking."

For some time, the two Astral Beings and the Barian God wandered, looking for the woman from before.

All they found was blackness.

Ten minutes of wandering aimlessly passed when the group heard a small whisper in the air. Looking around, the group found nothing but the same blackness again.

"What do you think that was?" Astral asked, looking around once more just to make sure.

Don Thousand and Ena shrugged. "Perhaps it was that woman. She might be near." Ena suggested. At his, Don Thousand closed his eyes and sent out his Chaos energy. He was sensing the area for the woman. Sending out his Chaos in the mind of someone was dangerous but it got the job done.

The Barian God opened his eyes and nodded, confirming Ena's earlier suggestion. "That woman is not too far from here actually. I sense her energy to the north of where we stand now."

"The north?" Don Thousand nodded. "Then that is where we will go. Lead the way, Don Thousand."

Don Thousand took the lead and lead the two Astral Beings to the north where the woman supposedly was.

Minutes had passed before the two Astral Beings and the Barian God came upon the woman. She was kneeling down beside a small, white pond. She appeared to be peering into the pond as though she was watching something.

Astral took a step towards the woman. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted abruptly by the woman. "I know why you're here." She said knowingly.

"If you know, then there is not much for us to explain." replied Astral.

The woman rose from where she stood and face the two Astral Beings and the Barian God. "True, but there is something I must explain to you."

At this, her guests perked up. "What do you mean?" Don Thousand asked suspiciously, his eyes narrowed.

"I cannot undo the seal."

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And little did they know that the woman would kill them all O0O NAH! XD Just kidding~

Hallows~! I'm ending the chapter there cuz I'm awesome XD

I'm feeling very happy! Know why? Well, those girls/boys who copied my stories deleted them! HAH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! >:D

I unfortunately had to be mean to them and had to say some pretty mean stuff, but I dun care anymore! They deserved it! V^V (The Hawaiian persona in me came out e-o)

I'm so happy that those guys deleted "their story" from their profile! ^3^ So very happeh~!

Mahalos so much to everyone! I love you all so very, very much and thanks for being awesome and for taking the time out of your day to read mah story! You all get cookies, pies and potatoes! *gives you all cookies, pies, and potatoes* ^3^

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