Chapter 25: Knocked Out

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No! No, no, no, no, no!!! There's no way that this could be happening! Over and over, Vector repeated to himself, begging with all his being that the sight before him wasn't true; that this was all fake.

He kept screaming at the top of his lungs, freaked out by this entire thing. If this did happen, why and how and who?!

Vector just couldn't wrap this around his head! Why, why was this happening? Why now? Why, of all times, now?

The Crazed Barian screwed his eyes shut at the sight before him. He just couldn't look at it anymore! This, this was too gruesome even for him, the crazy man who literally killed and tortured his people and enemies!

But then it all disappeared. The room went back to normal and so was Rose. She wasn't torn up and her organs weren't popping out, there were no toys ripped apart on the ground. Everything was just normal.

Vector gasped, taking in deep breaths. Maybe he was crazier than he thought he was. Rubbing his head, the Crazed Barian sat up in the bed, looking around then getting up and examining things to make sure that everything was normal. Thankfully it was, giving great relief to Vector. He silently walked back to Rose's bed and sat down next to her. He lifted his hand, softly cupping her delicate face in it.

She looks so peaceful... Vector thought. It was nothing compared to the Rose he saw in his visions. That Rose was erratic and happy, always out there and showing herself to the world. This Rose, the Rose in front of him, this delicate and precious flower, was the complete opposite.

She was always quiet and soft, disappearing from anyone's company as though she was never there. She was very conservative. If this Rose was really the Rose he saw in his visions, why was she so different? He pondered his own mind and questions, staring at the sleeping girl before him.

A sudden thought caught Vector's mind and he laughed softly. Rose was in bed sleeping with all her beauty as though nothing was happening around her. While he, the one who was awake, could see her and everything going on around her.

Oddly, this reminded him of the tale of Sleeping Beauty. A tale where a beautiful princess slept for years because of a curse casted upon her by a wicked witch, waiting for the legendary true love's kiss from her beloved prince.

Right now, Rose was the sleeping princess and he was the prince, a wicked one. Vector laughed again, covering his mouth with his hand to muffle his laughter. Maybe I should kiss her and she'd wake up! He thought, laughing less as the "ridiculous" thought sunk in more and more, making the Crazed Barian think more about what he just suggested.

A small blush crept up his cheeks. Maybe that would work... Vector scowled, smacked his face then shook his head, scoffing at the ridiculous idea, No, that wouldn't work! This isn't some kind of fairy tale! he told himself.

Although it was strange. Truth be told, he did have the urge to kiss her but why would he do something like that? Despite knowing that he knew this girl in another life, he barely knows her now in this life! Heck, hardly anyone does! The only people who truly seem to know Rose is her father and supposedly, Luna. He couldn't just kiss someone just like that, it would be ridiculous! And even if Vector did know the girl, they were only friends and friends definitely don't kiss each other to wake each other up.

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