Chapter 26: Protective

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"What do you mean someone took my daughter?!" Nahoa shouted, the concern and worry on his face turning into panic and anger. He grabbed Vector by the shoulders, gripping them tightly, his eyes showing desperation, "Where is my little flower?"

Vector shook his head telling him that he knew not of where Rose was. He then told them of what happened between him and Nightmare not took long ago. Nahoa balled his hands into fists, a new look of anger crossing his eyes. Vector could see his anger and he knew it well but he also saw something else in Nahoa's eyes. It was the rage of a father's love that burned in Nahoa's eyes that Vector saw.

An explanation later, Vector looked out the window seeing the moon still high in the sky. "It's still night." Vector murmured to himself.

"Aye," Nahoa started out, "It is. This tall fellow, Ray. When did he take Rose?"

Vector closed his eyes, "He took her soon after night fall. Since it's still night, I think it was just a few hours ago."

Nahoa nodded then he turned back to Dark, all emotion gone from his face, "Dark, take Vector back to the ship. With this man around, we need to regroup."

For a moment, Dark's face was blank but once the information sunk in, he immediately shook his head in refusal, "No!" he shouted, crossing his arms, "I don't like Vector and I don't wanna leave you alone!"

This broke Nahoa's poker face, making him smile. He placed a hand on Dark's shoulder, giving him a reassuring look, "I'll be fine, I promise, Dark. You don't have to worry about me."

Dark huffed, "No! Even if you are going to be back a.s.a.p. I don't wanna go anywhere with Vector!"

"Dark," Nahoa pleaded seriously, "You need to take Vector with back and go back to the ship. Please go with Vector."

Dark thought it over for a while then with a sigh, he nodded, silently agreeing with Nahoa's plan.

Nahoa smiled at Dark sincerely then gave him a hug, "Than you, Dark. I promise I'll be back as soon as possible." Saying nothing, Dark hugged him back, burying his face in his new friend's neck like a child would do to a parent.

Soon after Dark released Nahoa then looked at Vector, "Can you walk?" he asked quietly to which Vector nodded. The Crazed Barian got up and followed as Dark left the room, leading him back to the ship.

Nahoa followed out of the room but stopped, watching their figures disappear into the night. He sighed, "I need to find my flower." the grown man exclaimed silently.

As soon as Dark and Vector were out of sight, he walked out of the room in the opposite direction. Deep down in his gut, Nahoa felt something tugging him, pulling him towards something. It was a gut feeling and Nahoa knew to trust that feeling.

Walking down the hallway, he spotted a dark, spiral staircase going down into the unknown. The feeling in his stomach intensified. This meant he was going in the right direction.

Taking a deep breath for courage, Nahoa followed the stairs down, his steps echoing through the narrow space as though the space was a pair of speakers and his feet were the song playing.

As he continued on his path, he heard a low mumbling voice. Listening to the voice, he knew it was male but... Something was off about the voice. It sounded like was fighting something. Not physically but mentally, emotionally as though whoever the voice belonged to had conflicting feels.

Nahoa stopped for a second. He bent down and took off his black boots, leaving only his black socks. He then continued his walk down, his footsteps no longer echoing thanks to the soft touch of his socks.

Looking down, he saw a tiny bit of light and knew he was closer; the voice was getting louder too.

~.Vector and Dark.~

"Do you think he's going to be okay?" Vector asked Dark as they walked through the hallways of the castle.

He only got a nod from Dark which was surprising as he was suspecting him to bash him in his head or yell profanities at him. Soon they reached the ship and found Serenia, Don Thousand and a mysterious new man with them. Serenia talked casually with the new man, laughing softly every now and then while Don Thousand remained silent, giving the man a death glare.

"Who's that guy Serenia's talking to?" Dark asked suspiciously, "Is it the guy who kidnapped Rosie?"

Vector looked at the man carefully, squinting his eyes thanks to the day's light, "No. That's someone else. Maybe someone they found here."

"Whoever that someone is, he sure looks weird. His eyes are weird than mine and Astral's."

Rolling his eyes at Dark, Vector walked towards Serenia and Don Thousand. Upon seeing them, Serenia waved happily at the two while Don Thousand simply continued to glare at the man.

Both Dark and Vector questioned Don Thousand's actions but neither of them decided to voice their thoughts.

"So who's the new guy?" Dark asked, giving the man a suspicious look.

"This is Sombra," Serenia stated, "He told us that he's looking for Luna. Have you two seen her?"

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Eeerrrr.. Short chapter again, I'm sorry! ^^" I'll try my best to update more, at least once a month but if not then I'm sorry! @-@

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