Chapter 14: Vision

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As everyone watched the aura shift and twist around the crazed Barian they all wondered what it was doing here in the first place and why it was there.

Astral theorized that it came from the woman who was sealing his memories away while Eliphas had a theory that it was a fail safe in case someone tried to meddle with the seal.

Speaking of the woman, the Barians and Yuma were all curious as to who this woman was. The three Astral Beings described the woman to the others as best as they could, they even told her how she looked like.

For the most part, the woman seemed to be very protetive as she was determined to get the three Astral Beings away from the seal. She also seemed to be confused and it seemed that the woman lost her memory which puzzled everyone. Why was she sealing off Vector's memories when she herself did not know?

As for her looks, the woman had dark blue skin with crescent moons on the backs of her hand and one on her back, though that moon was covered by her hair. Her hair was a transparent blue surrounded by a purple mist. Her eyes were strange. Her whole entire eyes were indigo with no signs of pupils, irises or sclera.

She was a strange looking woman indeed. What made her look even more strange was that her face looked to be cracked as though the woman was broken.

Astral even showed a hologram version of her from his memories. The very sight of her sent chills down Yuma's spine while the Barians were fascinated by her looks.

Just when the others were going to ask Astral questions, the aura around Vector suddenly screamed and expanded. The others were surprised by this and jumped back. Up until now, the aura was calm, swirling around the crazed Barian like it was no one's business so why was it acting up again?

To answer their question, the aura expanded even more until it filled the entire room. No one was affected when they were touched by the aura, though they were still cautious.

Soon the aura was surrounding everyone. For everyone they felt a strange sense of calm wash over them when the aura surrounded them. They were puzzled but dared not question it.

"Hey! Get back here!" called a very familiar voice.

Yuma jumped at the sudden call then looked around, whipping his head here and there for the source of the voice along with everyone else.

Their eyes landed on Vector, who, much to their surprise, looked to be in his past life get up. They looked back to the bed where Vector was supposedly sleeping on and found that the crazed Barian was still there.

Questions instantly flew out of Yuma's mouth but no one answered them for no one knew the answer. Shark tapped Yuma's shoulder and told him to shush, telling the younger boy to be quiet and just watch what was going on.

Yuma nodded and watched as the past form of Vector ran down a hallway, reaching the outside. Once outside everyone could see that it was night. The moon was full and high in the sky. The stars surrounded the moon as though the moon was a popular celebrity among them.

Vector followed a fleeing figure wearing a cloak. It seemed that the more he followed the figure and the more he called out to it, it only ran faster and the distance between them only grew in size.

Even though he knew it was futile and in vain, the mad prince still called to the fleeing figure. He seemed desperate to get the figure back, though the reason is unknown.

The fleeing figure then stopped and turned to the mad prince, "Stop following me, Vector!" the figure demanded.

Vector stopped in his tracks, recongizing the voice the moment he heard it. "Rose? Is that you?"

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