Chapter 1: The Girl With Scarlet Hair

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A year has passed since Astral and Yuma defeated Don Thousand with the power of Zexal. Peace now rules the Human and the Astral worlds and instead of destroying Barian World, the two heroes decided that they would keep the world as it was.

They revived the Seven Barain Emperors in order to keep control and stability within the Barian World. With Don Thousand defeated, the Seven Barian Emperors were able to rule Barain World with fairness and equality with their own free wills. Well, it was to a certain degree.

Since Astral and Yuma were the ones who freed them of Don Thousand, the Seven Barain Emperors decided that they'd make a peace treaty between the Astral World and themselves. Though they loved wars and fights and all that nonsense, battling with the Astral World had gone on long enough and needed to be stopped.

And so, the treaty was made and peace was now attainable between the two worlds. It was a bit rocky at first, but now everything was fine.

As for the Human World, life went on and everything was fine and dandy just like itlways is, but both the Astral world and the Barian World wished to make peace with this world as well. They still wanted to keep their presence from the Humans a secret, but they didn't the to be in dark about the humans like they were about themselves.

In order to see how the Human World truly was, the Seven Barian Emperors and a few selected Barains decided that they would venture to the Human World and live there, giving daily updates on what the Human World was like.

The Astral Beings decided to do the same as well. A selected group of Astral Beings were selected to live in the Human World along with the Barians who lived there as well.

Everything was a bit rocky at first, but now it was as smooth as silk and from what everyone heard from the Barians and the Astral Beings living on Earth, the humans and their lives sounded pretty much the same as their's!

Now, a year later, we find the gang in the human world on a bright sunny mornin on their way to hellaslso known as school of

Vector ran down the sidewalk after Yuman Tsukumo, calling to him in a cheerful manner "Yuma! Hey, Yuma! Wait up!" He yelled.

Yuma stopped walking and looked back to see Vector running right at him! A sudden slight headache caused Vector to trip over a rock and tumble over Yuma, causing both boys to fall in a heap of tangled limbs and bags just like the first time they met when all that Barian-Astral drama hadn't happen.

"Vector!" Yuma complained "That's the third time this week! Will you stop that!?" he pushed Vector off, got up and brushed the dust off his pants and shirt.

The Barain, Vector, stood up "Sorry, Yuma. Guess I'm clumsy this week." he scratched the back of his head, feeling slightly embarrassed for his clumsiness. He looked around for a familiar spirit, but when he found that the spirit wasn't here, he looked around more.

"Looking for Astral?" Yuma asked which Vector nodded afterwards. "You've been looking for him for some time now, Vector. What's wrong?"

"It's just that I need to ask a favor of him." Vector said, continuing his walk to school with Yuma.

"And what would that be?" Yuma asked, but got no response from Vector. For some reason, the boy was silent which was unusual for him. "Vector...?" Yuma looked at the orange-haired boy to see that he was staring at something, but in actuality, Vetor was staring at nothing.

As of the moment, he was caught up in something. Yuma, being the dumb idiot he is, looked to where Vector was staring and saw nothing but random people walking by. Yuma tapped the boy's shoulder, waved his hands in front of his face, even slapped his face a couple times, but still got no response!

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