Chapter 21: Nightmare

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Rose whipped around to face the balcony, eyes wide. She screamed out Luna's name and ran out onto balcony. Vector quickly ran out with her. Together they looked down to see Luna laying on the ground with a shocked Yuma and Astral next to her, frozen.

Before them was a man in a cloak, wielding a deadly scythe in his hand. The hood of his cloak was over his face, covering his identity completely.

Rose called to Luna to see what was going on but all the moon girl did was ignore her. She was too busy glaring at the man in the cloak.

"What are you doing here?" Luna demanded the man in the cloak.

The man only laughed in a light-hearted way, "Why else would I be here? I am your father after all. I'm just concerned, that's all~" he said mockingly.

Everyone's eyes widened at the man. Was this Luna's father? They all looked from Luna to the man to Luna then to the man over and over again, trying to make sense of the situation.

If this man was truly Luna's father then why didn't Luna tell then that he was coming?

Laughter broke their thoughts and brought everyone back to reality. It seems that while everyone was in a thoughtful daze, Luna and the man had a whole conversation which ended in Luna becoming furious, making the man laugh. The scythe from before was gone.

Suddenly, Astral and Vector felt a dark aura radiating off of Luna and the man. Strangely, this dark aura felt familiar to Vector but he didn't know how.

Astral took caution and whispered to Yuma to back away for something bad was going to happen.

With some reluctance from Yuma, he and Astral backed off cautiously, never taking their eyes off the two beings before them.

The air around them was filling with the dark aura Astral felt from before. Everything was tense and still as though nature itself was waiting in anticipation.

A dark blue aura surrounded Luna. She slowly changed into her other form, the first one the others saw her in.

The moon girl got up on her knees, glaring at the man in the cloak, "You ain't my dad and you certainly aren't the Cloaked man! Take his cloak off, you dastardly bastard!"

"Dastardly?" the man repeated amusingly, "How mean of you, Luna!"

In one second, the man disappeared then reappeared in front of Luna and grabbed hold of the girl's neck neck, choking the girl. Luna tried to pry the man's hands off, even wriggling her body and kicking the man's stomach to get away but he didn't even flinch.

The man only laughed at Luna's efforts, "I guess I couldn't even begin to keep this disguise up with your skills, you abomination, but it's already too late~!" Before she knew it, Luna was thrown aside by the man and was slammed into a tree.

The man looked up at Rose and Vector, who were both staring in shock at the man. He laughed successfully, then flew up, his cloak flapping in the wind.

There was a menacing aura to him and everyone knew right then and there that they needed to get out of there fast.

Rose and Vector backed away, knowing this man was about to do something. What he was going to do, they didn't know and they certainly didn't want to find out!

Summoning a spear with a large spearhead, the man laughed and laughed, floating closer and closer to the two people in front of him.

As this was going on, Luna regained her senses and got back up. She saw what the man in the cloak was planning.

She called to Astral in an urgent manner, glaring at the man in the cloak again, "Astral! Take Yuma and get out of here now! Go find the others and make sure they get to the ship!"

The Dream GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon