Chapter 15: Master Of Chaos

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A black being sat in a lonely cell deep under the Astral Tower. He was black, wearing onyx colored armor along with golden hair with two long red bangs in front of his face. He had red gems on his body in certain spots. This man was Don Thousand.

Surprisingly, the Being was still weak from his battle with Astral and Yuma, but he never did admit it. Why? Pride, duh! There was no way that he was going to let his mortal enemies know that he, the Barian God, Don Thousand, was weak. No way!

Said Being was leaning against the cell's wall, deep in thought. What was he thinking? Well, no one knew. The Barian God always kept to himself and never talked to anyone.

He soon heard footsteps coming from down the hallway. They were light and soft; he already knew who that person was just by the echo of his or her's footsteps.

It was a female Astral Being. She approached his cell, carrying a tray of food with her. She wasn't very tall or very short, more like in between. She had sky blue skin and wild turquoise hair that touched her bottom or butt as people like to call it. Her eyes, unlike most Astral Beings, were one color; green or more like an aqua green to be specific. She had on a heart-lined, white dress that covered her feet.

She stopped right in front of his cell and kneeled down.

The woman pushed the tray of food forward through a small opening in the cell bars just like she did everyday since the man got here. She looked up at the Being before her with a pleading and worried look.

"Please, sir," she started out "you have to eat. If you don't you could die!" There was an immense amount of concern in her voice and a small quiver like she was about to cry.

Don Thousand scoffed. He wondered why of all people an Astral Being would be worried about him, a Barian who nearly destroyed the Astral World, the Human World, and practically everything else! If anything, he expected the woman to throw rocks or cuss him out like so many of the Astral Beings did!

But no. She was... different. More kind and understanding. She wasn't stuck up like the other Astral Beings were. There were even some moments when the woman stayed in the prison to ask Don Thousand questions about himself and the Barian World, though, he'd never reply. Why someone like her, an Astral Being, wanted to know about him and the Barian World was beyond him.

The woman treated him with kindness and acted like they were equals. The Being thought of her as a naive child; he even felt annoyed that he, the Barian God, was being treated like an equal. But never did he complain it nor did he mind. As much as it sickened him, Don Thousand actually liked having her around. It was.... Nice?

The woman sighed and brought her hands together, breaking the Barian God from his thoughts. "Please, you have to eat, sir! You're still weak from your battle with Astral and the human boy, Yuma..."

The Being glared at the girl before him, however it was unseen since the man was covered in the shadows of the cell. "I am not weak from that battle," he exclaimed in a nonchalant tone. His voice was a bit horse from the lack of using it, but the message was still delivered; loud and clear.

"Please, sir!" the woman persisted, "you need to eat something! Anything, please!"

Once again the woman was denied by the man before her. She frowned.

Right when the woman got up to leave, Don Thousand decided to ask her a question, "What's your name?"

The woman paused for a moment, surprised that the Being before her had asked her a question. Heck, she was surprised that he even talked! "Serenia. My name's Serenia."

Serenia.... Nice name. The Being opened his mouth to ask another question but before the words could even escape his lips, someone came in the room.

That someone tackled Serenia with a huge bear hug, giggling like crazy! "Serenia-chan~!!!" The person exclaimed, "What are you doing here?" the person smiled, hugging Serenia as tight as he could.

The woman laughed then gave the person a tight squeeze. "I'm just here to give this guy some food, Dark."

The person, Dark, looked at the Being in the cell. He scowled. "Why?" he spat harshly, glaring. "He tried to kill us all!"

Serenia sighed. She was about to answer Dark's question when Eliphas and Astral came into the room. The three Beings, two Astral Beings and one Barain, glared at each other, the tension immediately building up in the room.

Dark didn't seem to notice the tension. He even started to giggle! He pulled himself and Serenia off from the ground planted his hands on his hips, "Hey, guys, are we gonna talk to him now~?" Dark was jumping on his feet, excited about the upcoming interrogation but why he was exctied was unknown.

Astral nodded, "Serenia, please take Don Thousand out of his cell."

"What will you be doing with him?" Serenia asked, momentarily exiting the room and returning with a ring of keys in her hands.

"We will be asking him a couple of questions about a certain Barian and his memory. Normally, we wouldn't have done this and would have the problem solved by now, but it seems that the problem has escalated beyond our abilities." Eliphas explained as Serenia unlocked the door to Don Thousand's cage.

Don Thousand stood up and exited his cell. He stretched his limbs, having not moved them since he got there. It felt nice to move again, but he knew that this small thing wouldn't last for long.

Surprisingly, the Barain God followed Astral, Eliphas, and, Dark back to the room where Yuma and the others were. Well, he was still weak from the battle, though he'd never admit that, so trying anything would be dumb!

Serenia was following as well, she didn't need to, it wasn't required of her, but Dark practically dragged her all the way there!

They soon entered the room. Upon seeing Don Thousand, the Barians and Yuma jumped. There were various reactions. Yuma screamed, shocked that Don Thousand was still alive. Alito and Girag stood by, also shocked that Don Thousand was alive. Nasch, Merag, and Dumon, the calmer group of the Barians, stood by with void expressions. Mizael scowled, crossing his arms over his chest. He mumbled something under his breath, probably something about threats, but it was all interrupted when Eliphas raised a hand, telling everyone to calm down.

"What is he doing here?!" Yuma practically screamed out. The moment he did, however, Dark flew over to him and slapped his face!

"Shut up, Yuma!" Dark spat, rearing his hand back for another slap. His sudden happy and giddiness was replaced with fury and rage! What a mood change! Astral sighed and held Dark back before he could slap him again.

Yuma rubbed his cheek; his cheek was already stinging! The others stood shock at Dark's actions. Why did he just slap Yuma like that? They looked to Eliphas for an explanation but he only shook his head and waved it off.

Said Astral Being explained to Don Thousand the situation they had right now. The Barian God seemed nonchalant about it but in reality he was quite interested in the whole thing.

"This woman that you say attacked you and forced you three out of Vector's mind, what does she look like?" Don Thousand asked, placing his hand on Vector's forehead.

Astral, Ena, and Eliphas all explained the woman's looks to the Barian God. At first he had a calm and nonchalant expression then one of surprise shot across his face.

"Wait, explain that again. Slowly." The three Astral Beings then explained the woman's look once more.

Don Thousand groaned. "Oh, not that woman..."

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Aloha! ^0^ Did you guys enjoy today's chapter? I hope you did!

Mahalos so much for waiting, guys! >3< I know it's been a while since I updated and I'm so sorry! One word: School OΠO

See you guys in the next chapter! ^0^ Bye, have a beautiful time!

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