Chapter 20: The Man in The Cloak

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Hours passed and our group reached the ruins of what was once Vector's kingdom. During these hours, Dark, Astral, Serenia and, with much persuasion, Don Thousand all revealed themselves to Rose. Shocked at first, Rose eventually grew on the four beings, even Don Thousand to who she started calling "Uncle Donny," much to his annoyance and the rest of the group's amusement. And while this, Nahoa and Dark seemed to become quick friends and were practically inseparable!

Upon reaching the ruins and landing, Rose felt a sudden piercing pain rip throughout her body. Instinctively, she fell to her knees, gasping for breath. This alerted Luna, who was standing at the girl's side this whole time. Luna knelt down next to Rose and gripped the girl's shoulders, asking Rose what was wrong, but Rose couldn't get anything out as the pain was too much for her.

Nahoa, worried as the father he is, took his daughter in his arms and laid her down. Nahoa then examined Rose but found nothing wrong. He looked worriedly to his daughter who, in a breath of relief, was breathing normally now.

"What's wrong? Is Rose okay?" Luna asked worriedly. Nahoa shook his head, telling everyone he had no idea what was wrong with Rose. This further worried Luna and everyone else, but since Rose was breathing normally now, Nahoa suggested to wait for Rose to recover which they did.

Some time went by and Rose was fine again. She stood being supported her father and Luna in case the girl should fall again.

"Are you alright now"? Her father asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." Rose replied. She looked up at the ruins, griping her father's arm, "I'm fine.."

Her father only frowned, knowing that Rose was not fine at all. He was about to ask her to tell him the truth when Dark intervened.

"Can we get going now? And can I go with Nahoa? Please!!!" Dark asked excitedly, clinging onto Nahoa's arm.

Nahoa only chuckled while Luna sighed, "Dark, we already discussed this. You have to go with Astral while Rose's Dad goes with Rei and Rose."

"Please!!!!" Dark begged adorably, "I wanna go with Nahoa!! And Astral can go with you or Rose's group if anything!"

Luna sighed again, "Fine but don't separate, you got that?"

Dark giggled, "I won't! Come on, Nahoa, let's go!" And with that, Dark took hold of Nahoa's arm and practically dragged the tall man towards the ruins much to his amusement.

"Those two seem to like each other a lot," Mizael noted as he watched them leave, laughing along their way.

"I think it's cute," Rose commented with a smile.

"You think that's cute?" Mizael asked, somewhat shocked and much disgusted.

"Pretty much, yeah."

"You're weird." Mizael stated dully.

"Says the guy who looks like a girl at first sight." Rose snapped back with a smirk. Mizael snarled at her while the other, most notably Luna, laughed with the comment.

~.An Hour Later.~

An hour has passed and everyone has separated into their own groups to search the ruins.

Luna, Yuma and Astral were outside of the ruins, looking around its perimeter. So far, they saw nothing out of the ordinary. It was pretty normal considering the circumstances.

At least, that's what Astral thought. He looked to Luna and saw that she was walking with purpose, a determined look in her eyes. What did this mean? Is she leading them somewhere? Does she have another motive?

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