Chapter 24: An Interesting New Friend

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For once in her life, Serenia felt skeptical. She stared at the man before her, who's face was yet to be revealed, with a confused look, "What do you mean?" she asked.

The man only shook his head. Upon closer examination, the man had several injuries, most of them being minor cuts and bruises with major quantity, making him lose blood a lot quicker than fatal wounds would do. Fortunately, some of those cuts were covered by scabs, making the blood loss less frequent.

Even though all these injuries were small cuts and bruiss, the man was tried and worn out which is probably why he didn't answer her.

Serenia was in the dark so she could barely see anything. After some basic questioning, she finally held the man's arm over his shoulder for support and half-carried him out of there.

It took some time but she, Don Thousand and the man were able to make it back to the surface with no help from Don Thousand mind you. By the time they reached there, it was dusk and the sun was setting fast. The Astral Girl noted to herself about how much time had passed. When they started exploring the castle, it was around noon time. Now, it's dusk and approaching night.

In what little light the setting sun provided, Serenia and Don Thousand could see the man's face, his features and his build. Even though he wasn't standing at his full height, one could tell that this man is very tall. He has all kinds of scars all over his lean, muscular body. He worn only what appeared to be a dirty and tattered pair of pants along with an equally dirty and tattered tank top. His hair was black and somewhat spiky, reaching just past his shoulders. His eyes were a bit strange, making them stand out from everything else. No, they weren't like Don Thousand's and Astral's eyes where one eye would be this color and the other eye would be that color. No, his eyes were actually much more strange. His eyes were red and the part of the eye that was normally white was a dark-somewhat-normal green. He had a very handsome face which Serenia stared at for a while, wondering just who this man is.

He certainly was an interesting character from his looks alone. Where did he come from? Serenia wondered. Why is he here? How did he get here?

The man cleared his throat, seeing Serenia staring, snapping the girl from her daze. She blushed a bit then half-carried the man back to the airship with no help whatsoever from Don Thousand. Again. Rude much, don't you think?

Once they reached the airship, they realized that no one was around. Everything was eerily silent, much to Serenia's discomfort. Everyone was supposed to be here by now! But no, everyone was still gone. The only things that accompanied them were the wildlife creatures, the airship, and the sun.

Serenia set the man down near the airship's entrance, laying him down on the grass, then she stood up and surveyed the area. Where was everyone? She wondered. They should all be here by now!

She looked to Don Thousand, who was staring up at the castle with an intense look on his face. Questions stirried in her mind- like always- about what the Barian God might be thinking but she just shook her head and turned back to the man laying on the ground. She had more important things to attend to.

Serenia kneeled down next to him, looking over his wounds with an expert eye. Once done, she ran into the airship, quickly grabbing a first aid kit and came back.

Since most of the man's wounds were minor cuts and bruises, Serenia had no problem patching the man up. The only problem was the man's left arm. His forearm was broken, cracked somewhere near the middle. Unfortunately Serenia didn't have the materials to make a cast so she ran into the nearby woods to look for suitable branches to act as braces.

As she left, Don Thousand watched her leave with a huff, mumbling something under his breath. He looked to the man who was now sitting up, seemingly lost in thought.

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