Chapter 17: Locked Away

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Don Thousand chuckled sarcastically, "You're kidding, right?"

"Not one bit, Don Fabulous." the woman replied. If the woman had a mouth she'd probably be smirking at the Barian God as of now.

Said Barian puffed his cheeks out, narrowing his eyes at the woman. "Don't call me that." he demanded.

"I'll call you what I want, Stubborn Barian." The woman spat bitterly. She turned to Astral and Ena, who both seemed to be amused by Don Thousand's new nickname. "Quit the happy faces, you stuck up Astral Beings. I don't like any of you and I don't trust you." Well, that was straight up. "What do you want to know about the seal? And make it quick!"

"Tell us why you can't undo the seal." Astral said quickly. He wanted to get this over and done with by now.

"Half of my own power is sealed away somewhere else. If you want me to unseal Vector's memories then get me my power back and I'll do it."

"So you're going to help us just like that?" Don Thousand questioned suspiciously, "Why are you being so cooperative?"

"Shut your pie hole, Barian. I didn't ask to seal this dumbass' memories away or enjoy doing it. It was a favor." The woman paused, her expression softening for only a millisecond. "For a friend." she mumbled the last part but that was unheard of by her three guests.

Astral and Ena discussed more with the woman about the seal and the other half of her power that was "locked away."

They found out that the woman has been with Vector since the very beginning; all the way from his past life till now. Why she chose to show up now was unknown for the woman refused to tell them. She said it wasn't the right "time."

The whole time Don Thousand remained silent. On the rare occasion when he did speak up, the woman would lash out at him and would literally tell him to shut his pie hole. A bit rude but after all that Don Thousand did he deserved it.

"That's what I thought. You have no right to speak lowly of someone when you yourself is lower than that person." the woman growled viciously. She had just finished lashing out at Don Thousand again.

He said something about someone being pathetic and then well... Things went on from there. And they escalated quickly.

Astral cleared his throat, setting aside the tense atmosphere, "If we were able unseal the other half of your power, would you be able to unseal Vector's memories?"

The woman shrugged, "I can only try, but you must remember that you should not rush Vector."

"Why?" sneered Don Thousand, "Are his feelings going to get hurt?" he spoke in a mocked, fake concerned voice which only pissed the woman off.

The anger in the woman was as obvious as a dog in a crowd of cats but she did not act on that anger just as before which was strange.

Instead she simply explained to Astral and Ena that the memories were intense for Vector and should be handled with time and care; not rushed and pushed aside.

Astral nodded, "So if we find this human and unseal your powers, will you be able to unseal Vector's memories?" the woman nodded. "Then it's agreed."

The woman grunted then turned and looked down at the pond at her feet. "Leave" she demanded in a soft voice.

Again, Astral nodded, "Before we go though, what is your name?"

"My name?" the woman turned back to her guest. Her eyes shined with a bright gleam like that of a child's when they saw something amazing. "My name is Luna."

That was all she said when Astral, Ena, and Don Thousand felt a cool, almost drowning yet soothing feeling pass through them. Before they knew it, they were back in the room where everyone else was.

But everything was not as calm as they believed it to be when they got back.

Everything was in chaos! Bottles and papers were everywhere! Lying on the floor, flying around the room, some were even stuck to the people in the room!

Serenia was running around the room with Yuma over her shoulder. "Dark-kun, stop it! Don't hurt Yuma-kun!" she yelled to Dark, who was chasing close behind.

"Shut up! I'm going to kill him!" Dark screamed in reply. The Barian Emperors were running after Dark, hoping to stop him before he reached Serenia and Yuma.

"Dark, stop it right now!" Astral commanded, however Dark ignored him and lunged for Yuma. He managed to clutch his hair, pulling some of it out before he was yanked away from the human boy by Girag.

Serenia ran behind Don Thousand for protection, peeking behind the Barian God for Dark in case he was still in pursuit.

"This is ridiculous!" Astral screamed, "Can I not leave you here without causing trouble?! Apparently not!" With that, Astral grabbed Dark's hand and dragged him outside.

There were some yelling, most of it coming from Astral, then everything went silent. After a couple of minutes, Astral and Dark came back into the room.

Dark was quiet, he even seemed to be pouting but Astral ignored the entire thing. With Ena, Astral explained to the Barians and Yuma what they discussed with the woman.

After much more discussion the Barians, the Astral Beings, and Yuma all came to a decision. Around this time Vector woke up with a groan.

Sitting up and clutching his head, he looked around in a confused daze. Dark, who was huddled in a corner, sent a glare his way just as he did to Yuma before.

Vector recovered from his confused daze and then was informed of what happened during his sleep. At first the Barian was confused but eventually, after some time, he collected his thoughts and understood most of the situation. Most.

Much more time passed by with the Barians, the Astral beings, and Yuma discussing what their next moves were going to be.

They needed to find who that human was but unfortunately the woman only gave them one hint which hardly helped at all!

"What was the hint?" Yuma asked softy so as to not disturb Dark and possibly provoke him. Again.

"Luna gave us a quote. It's not helpful but it's still something to go on." replied Astral

"Then what's the quote?"

" 'Being ordinary in a not-so-ordinary world is quite extraordinary.' Luna said that the person who holds the other half of her power says that often."

"Really?!" Mizael complained, "Just some dumb quote that everyone can say?? Anyone can say that and how can we know if the person who says that is even the person that we need!?"

Astral sighed, "I don't know... The woman refused to tell us more than that."

Mizael narrowed his eyes, "How do we even know that this woman is telling the truth!?! She could be lying for all we know! We could be falling into some kind of trap!"

Suddenly the same tentacles that wrapped around Astral, Ena and Eliphas from before were around the Dragon Tamer's mouth, shutting him up.

A soft, menacing voice whispered in his ear, chilling Mizael's bones, "Don't you fucking dare accuse of me such utter bull crap, you stubborn Barian."

And there right behind Mizael was the woman, floating. Her fists were clenched and her eyes narrowed, glaring at Mizael and only Mizael.

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