Chapter 13: More Questions, Less Answers

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"What do you mean that you do not remember?" Ena asked, taking a cautious step towards the woman.

The woman stepped back with a growl. "I don't remember anything, but I do know that you're not supposed to be here! Now leave at once!" she yelled in fury, clenching her hands into fists.

"And if we don't?" Astral asked, a tone of rebellion in his voice.

"If you don't...?" the woman repeated, a bit confused by the question. "Then I'll force you out like I did last time!" before the three Astral Beings could react, more of the purple-blue tentacles were wrapped around their bodies.

The tentacles squeezed the breath out of the Astral Beings like they were snakes killing their pathetic prey. All three tried to wiggle themselves out of the tentacles, but it was to no avail. The more they moved, the more the tentacles tightened its grip. And little did they know that the tentacles were draining the last of the Astral Beings' energy.

Tentacles wrapped themselves around the Astral Beings' necks. They couldn't breath. Out of character, the Astral Beings panicked.

Why did they panic? If they died right then and there, they would never make it back to the real world. Their bodies in the real world would decay and their souls would forever stay in limbo.

They needed to get out of the tentacles and away from the woman. Astral murmured a spell under his breath then shot out a white beam from his hand.

The woman scoffed and swat her hand to the side, the beam going in the same direction before it even got close to its target.

Eyes widened as they watched the beam disappear into nothingness as it was caught and absorbed into another tentacle coming from the woman's head.

Again, the tentacles were made from the woman's head! A bit freaky, if yo asked the there Astral Beings trapped in them!

"Don't. Ever. Come back here again!" the woman shouted. There was fury all over her face but in her eyes were pity and despair.

The Astral Beings spotted the look right before their energies were literally zapped away from them from a sudden electrical shock.

Everything went black.

~The Astral Tower~

The Barians and Yuma watched in shock and confusion as Ena, Eliphas and Astral were lifted up into the air, seemingly trapped in something.

They were making choking sounds and Astral was mumbling the spell under his breath.

Just when they thought that things could get worse, the Astral Beings' bodies went limp and fell.

Girag, Alito and Mizael were quick to act. The ran up and caught the three Astral Beings before their bodies met the floor.

"What happened?!" Yuma asked frantically.

"The woman from before...she-" Astral started out by was soon interrupted when a massive headache formed in his head, making the Astral Being groan.

"She took our energy away and forced us out of Vector's mind." Eliphas finished with a groan, rubbing the gems that were on his temples. Rubbing the gems helped soothed the pain but it was still there.

"That woman is a lot stronger than we anticipated."


It took some time, but after a while Astral, Ena, and Eliphas recovered. They were all still in that same room from before, except Vector was somehow still asleep.

As of now, Ena was trying to wake up the crazed Barian while Astral and Eliphas were talking to the other Barians and Yuma about the woman.

So far in the discussion they had nothing. There wasn't enough clues to piece together. All they had was the theory about Don Thousand creating that woman to seal off Vector's memories. Many questions were asked but none were answered, leaving the whole party in a state of confusion.

Suddenly Vector screamed in agony, alarming everyone there. A blue, red, and black aura was surrounding Vector as though it was choking the Barian.

The others quickly rushed to Vector's side. "What's happening?!" Yuma asked worriedly, the only one who seemed to be in a frenzy panic. The others were in a panic as well, but Yuma was, well, Yuma.

"I do not know, Yuma." Astral said, "Please, calm down." Alito rubbed Yuma's back, telling him reassuring things with Girag while the other Barian and the three Astral Beings were trying to figure out what was wrong with Vector.

Vector mumbled something in his sleep, then out of nowhere, the Barian screamed in pure pain. The other stepped back to give him some room.

"What happened, Vector?" Yuma asked but he got no response from the Barian. Vector sat on the bed in a daze, the aura still surrounding him.

Astral reached up and touched the aura and much to his surprise, the aura moved. As soon as Astral's hand was near the aura, it moved away from his hand as though it was trying to avoid him.

As the aura moved, Vector groaned as though the moving energy was hurting him. Astral stopped and pulled his hand away. However, the aura kept moving around, making the crazed Barian groan more.

"Why does it keep moving like that?" Dumon asked quuestioningly.

Before anyone could conjure up an answer for Dumon's question, Vector eyes shot open and bolted up.

The crazed Barian was panting like he just ran a super long marathon and didn't prepare for it at all.

"I...I..." Vector started out however the Barian fainted and fell back on the bed, fast asleep.

"This," Alito said in a light hearted manner in order to brighten the current situation. "is some freaky shit."

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I. Hate. Volleyball -.- So my church is having this unity games kind of thing and everything is a lie -^-

Ironic, isn't it?

Someone save me from this wretched island!!!

Oh and Starry-eyed-kitten I finished that one shot! Check it out in that new book I posted. It's just called "One Shots" with a turtle on it as the cover :P

Thanks and mahalos chokes much for reading, commenting, and voting, guys!

I hope you all have a wonderful and fantastic day! Buh-bye!

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