Proven to you

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Hello! Me again! I've been swamped with homework and i feel like I'm paying more attention to my new book (A soufflé love story) so I decided to come up with a brand new idea for this one! Hope you enjoy!
Clara POV
I walk around the TARDIS console huffing and sighing. It was one of those days where your not travelling and there's nothing to do. The TARDIS was occasionally making weird noises from The Doctor fiddling around in the underbelly of the console. I walk down the stairs and sit down on them which was around the same height as the Doctor.
"I'm bored" I complain resting my chin in my hand.
"I know but the TARDIS needs to recharge and I thought we could use a day where we don't have to do much" he said without losing eye contact with the device he was meddling with.
"Well I don't really have much to do" I say
"Why don't you explore. There's swimming pools, science labs anything you can think of"

I stood up and shrugged. 'What bad can a little adventuring do?' I walked down corridors and corridors but still didn't see a single door. I sigh partly from boredom and partly from frustration.
"Come on give me something good" I whisper to the roof of the TARDIS. I knew she was messing with me.
Then I turn a corner and saw a door. I fiddle with the door knob and the door creaks open. The room seemed to be something like a study. It had a desk, fireplace, a window with stars outside (well we were in deep space what could you expect) and there were book shelves scattered across the room. I close the door behind me and walk up to a bookshelf and skim through some books contained. There were history books, books about Gallifreyans and books about 101 aliens and how to kill them.
Then a book stood out. It was blue with a red bookmark in it. I slide it out carefully and open the cover.

On the inside of the cover there was writing. It was a bit faded over time but I could only just read it.
'Property of Rose Tyler age 22' (A/N again probably not right)
It was a diary. I tried to put it down but there were secrets about the doctor in here. A smirk crawled it's way into my face.

I sat down in a red chair in front of the fireplace. I read this diary about the Doctor and Rose. I recognised the name Rose Tyler. She travelled with Ten. I knew that because I saved him a few more times than expected.
My face started to drop as I read her last passage. She wrote that she was going to save the world from Daleks with the Doctor. Then that was all. There were no more writing. But there was a lot of blank paper left over. She had said something about a diary of the Doctors. I put the diary down. I looked on a desk and saw a tattered, old journal. My hand hovered over it. My mind was trying to make its mind up about whether I should read it. It could include secrets that he didn't want others to know. I sigh and decided that I shouldn't. I put roses diary back on the shelf. Then I saw a much bigger book. I slid it out and read the cover.
'The doctors companions and their stories Vol 3'

Sheesh. I knew the Doctor had a lot of companions but it made me feel like I'm just another person waiting in a long line. I sit down and flick through the book. It started with Rose and ended with Amy. 

I closed the book and put it down on the table in front of me. i let a few tears roll down my cheeks. I quickly wipe them and try to let the information sink in. I couldn't help but think that when I die or leave that he's going to forget about me. Sure i might be in a book but I will only be a distant memory. I sigh. I needed to let him know how I feel about this. I didn't know what to say but I'll just go with it. I pick up the book and walk towards the console room. Thankfully the TARDIS was on my good side today and made the trip a lot quicker. I whisper a faint thank you to the roof of the TARDIS and received a humming noise. i walk into the console room to see the Doctor polishing the console. I walk towards him and he notices.

"Clara she's ready we can go do something now" he clapped his hands together

"What's wrong?"

"What will happen to me when I leave?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what will happen to me when I die or leave you?"

"I will remember you forever but I'll keep you safe no matter what." he cupped his hands on my cheeks and I kindly took them off. He looks at me with worry.

"Where is all this coming from?" I hand him the book and his eyes saden. He puts the book down and looks back at me.

"What are you doing with this?"

"I explored like you said. I found a library and a study. I found a book. I read it"

"You shouldn't even have it."

"Why don't you ever talk about them" He sniffs and looks back at me

"Because all those memories are all too much to handle."

"What happened?"

"Well Rose got stuck in another dimension, Martha left we're still in contact thankfully, Donna. Well she doesn't remember me and Amy-" he stops and I can notice that he can't handle it

"Doctor its' okay I'm sorry I shouldn't have been snooping around"

"Why would you think I wouldn't remember you"

"Because you seem to never mention any of these women. And I feel that when I leave or pass, that you'll forget all about me and it will be like i never even existed."

"Clara Oswald don't you dare say those words ever again. I will never in a million galaxies forget about you"

"Then prove it"

"I'm sorry what?"

"Prove it. Prove it that you'll never forget about me and that you actually genuinely care about me." He takes a deep breath and walks towards me.

He cups my face with his hands and his lips crashed down on mine. My eyes widened but I soon felt comfortable and I may have even kissed back. He lets go and walks back to the console and continues polishing it leaving me frozen, eyes wide open and a clear blush on my cheeks.


"I kissed you. That enough proof?" he says looking at me grinning

"But you-"

"You blushed" he says cheekily laughing

I shake my head and walk towards him.

"So does that mean you l-"

"Yes i love you Clara Oswald and I always will. If you die or leave I will be heartbroken."

"I love you too chin boy" I hugged him tightly 

Okay hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to comment more ideas down below (you can message me if you like) also vote and check out my new book (a souffle love story) :D

Have a fantastic day!


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