Cloudy Wonderland (RE-WRITTEN)

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Yo! So I decided that i probably should re-write this chapter. I wrote this chapter a little while ago and lets be honest, i didn't like the finished result. So anyways, this re-written part will include a bit more fluffiness than the last one.

Prompt Credit: @eclipseses



Third Person POV

"Where are we off to today chin?" Says Clara, slowly walking around the console staring at the Doctor, slight grin on her face.

"A cloud wonderland" he said simply smiling back. This was his first date with Clara, since he left her a little while back. He thought that a cloudy date would win her over for sure.

"A cloud wonderland?" Says Clara, eyebrow raised in confusion. The Doctor didn't understand how the human brain functioned and frankly got a little frustrated at their being able to understand certain aspects. In this case, a cloud planet.

"Yes, a cloud planet" he said in a somewhat cheeky manner. Clara smiled.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" She says excitedly, looking at the Doctor, sparkle in her eyes. He admired the little things like that. The way her eyes would sparkle when she got really happy or excited, the way her face scrunched up when thinking hard or confused. Just the little things. Little things that Clara never took much notice in.
The Doctor laughs and runs around the console, slight skip in his step. He goes around and flicks a few 'important' switches and buttons and types a few things in. The TARDIS shook and swayed and tossed all over the place. Then it stops. The Doctor looks at Clara with a huge smile on his face. She looks at him funny.

"You are insane" she says, laughing, wiping hair out of her face

"I'm not insane, River had me tested" The Doctor replied, cheekily. Making Clara giggle. **

"C'mon let's go chin" she says making her way out the TARDIS doors. The Doctor stood there flustered, stroking his chin defensively. Clara stopped in her tracks, in front of the doors, staring out. The Doctor stood behind her, smiling.

He gently, slowly pushed Clara out of the doorway and she spun around and looked up at the Doctor, (Him being somewhat significantly taller than her) and hugged him tightly.

"So, everything is clouds?" She asks, looking up at him, arms still wrapped around him

"Yes, well.." he said trailing off at the end

"Well?" prompts Clara

"Except for the buildings and clouds" he adds

"The clouds?" Says Clara, hands on hip. Eyebrow raised.

"Well what do you expect? Clouds down there are soft and cloudy. Clouds up here-" He points up

"Are ice. Hence the coolness" He added, rubbing his hands on the top half of his arms, as a cool breeze blew. Clara copies and starts slightly shivering.

The Doctor took off his purple tweed jacket and wrapped it around Clara's shoulders.

"Wait, don't you need this?" Said Clara, shrugging off the Jacket, looking up at the Doctor who had a confused look on his face.

"No, it's fine. I'll just....You know.....Man up. Yeah. Man up" he replied. Clara sighed, and put on the oversized jacket, inhaling the natural musk of her time lord friend.

The Doctor wrapped his arm around Clara's shoulder and they both walked off, exploring the brand new world they were yet to explore. After a while of walking around and looking they came across a market place. The Doctor's eye lit up like a kid on Christmas day. The Doctor slid his hand into Clara's and they both walked down a flight of stairs.

Whouffle One Shots (Clara + Doctor)Where stories live. Discover now