The Raven

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Face the raven (Re-Written)

This is written with the 11th Doctor instead of 12th. SPOILERS FOR SEASON 9 *I honestly loved season 9 sfm*

2 words: "I'm sorry.........."


Third Person POV

The Doctor had found himself stuck in a little predicament. He had only just learnt that the alien woman who was kept slightly alive, had been completely alive the whole time. He had gone to insert the TARDIS key into what seemed to be a key lock and had gotten his hand stuck in a brace.

"What's it doing?" Clara asked, a little shocked and shaken up

The Doctor pulls on his right arm with his left in an attempt to get his arm unstuck. He pulled it out and the bars on the chamber suddenly disappeared and the woman fell into her daughter's arms and Rigsy's in shock.

"Mum! Mum, are you okay?" Anahson asked reassuringly. Ashildr walked slowly back into the room, her boots clicking with the contact of the stone floors, her dress lightly dragging across the floor behind her.

"She'll be perfectly fine in a few moments. I assure you" She said quietly turning to the Doctor who was giving her a cold, stern look. The Doctor's arm was now free but had a metal bracelet fitted nicely on his right wrist.

"There are easier ways to steal a key you know?" The Doctor added, subconsciously pushing Clara behind him in defence. Ashildr scoffed quietly.

"I don't want your TARDIS. That's not what this is about." Ashildr turned to Rigsy who moved next to the Doctor. "Rigsy, come here. I'll remove your chronolock" Rigsy quickly looks over at Clara in concern, unsure of what happened next.

"What is this Ashildr? You can't possibly think this is going to keep me here" The Doctor pointed to the bracelet on his arm.

"It's not a restraint. It's a teleport bracelet" Clara heard the word teleport and slightly shuddered, gripping onto the Doctor's hand –which he had positioned behind him- a little bit tighter.

"What?" Clara said in confusion.

"I'll give you time to say goodbye don't worry. No one will be hurt" Ashildr said, voice not varying much in pitch.

"Where are you sending me?" The Doctor said a little more loudly than usual, concerned for not only him but Clara.

"I made a deal to protect the street. They take you, I take the key so you can't be traced. I do as they tell me and the street is safe" Ashildr stepped closer to the Doctor

"They? Who are they?" The Doctor questioned, getting a little frustrated. He didn't like not knowing things. One of the reasons why him and Clara were similar.

"One more thing. Your confession dial. They have other means of procuring it, but I understand it's likely to be on your person. Please, no resistance. You've already lost."

The Doctor reached into his coat pocket and handed over a small round, gold piece of metal. Which had gallifreyan engraved in it.

"What is it?" Ashildr questioned, observing the disk before putting it in her pocket for safe keeping.

"In your terms, my last will and testament"

"How does it work?"

"I've no idea" The Doctor smiled and rocked on his heels, seeming a little excited about the disk, he looked down at Clara. "Well thank you anyway" Ashildr said before turning to Rigsy again. Worry was written all over Rigsy's face and it shimmered in his eyes.

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