Off To Baker Street

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Yes, if you haven't noticed this is a Sherlock x doctor who crossover. (Wholock) I had no ideas for a new chapter.


"Where are we?" Asks Clara, looking around at the street that the TARDIS was parked.

"Baker Street" said the Doctor, huge smile on his face.

"What year is it?"

"Present day. So technically just travelled" The Doctor softly pushed Clara out of the TARDIS and closing the door behind him.

"Actually I wanted you to meet somebody. A friend of mine if you will" the Doctor looks up at the window of the building they were standing in front of.


The Doctor simply pointed up at a window, a man stared out the window and quickly closed the curtains. Clara looked at the Doctor curiously. The Doctor had a huge grin on his face which frankly worried Clara a little. He noticed and grabbed Clara's hand and led her to a door.

Clara noticed that the doorknocker had been placed askew. The door opened and standing there was an elderly woman.

"Hello dears. What can I do for you?" She said smiling widely

"We're here to see Sherlock Holmes" said the Doctor smiling

"I have a feeling he knows your already here. Just up the stairs and the first door on the left dears. I'll bring up some tea"

Clara held onto the Doctor's hand as they climbed the old looking stairs. The Doctor raised his knuckles to knock on the door but the door swung open. There stood a man, slightly taller than Clara with blonde hair.

"Sherlock, we have visitors" said the man. What seemed to be Sherlock gestured them inside the small apartment.

"Hello Sherlock" said the Doctor sitting on a couch, beside Clara. Sherlock looked up after having his head in his hands.

"Doctor" he said in reply

Clara and the Doctor walk in. Clara took a deep breath nervous. She never was much of an extrovert and didn't like talking to people she hasn't met before. But she smiled, giving off the impression that she was actually enjoying her time here.

"Hi I'm John" the blonde man said shaking the Doctor and Clara's hand.

"I'm Clara" said Clara, smiling

There suddenly was a smash sound and the Doctor, Clara and John swung around in slight fear.

"What the hell?!" said John looking directly at Sherlock with a screwed up face. If looks could kill, Sherlock would be nothing but a pile of ash on the ground.

"Bored. What's the case Doctor" he said sprawling over the small lounge chair.

"Clara would you..?" Said the Doctor trailing off at the end, eyeing John saying I need her to leave if you don't mind. John nodded.

"Why don't we go pick up some things?" asked John looking at Clara. She didn't get a chance to accept nor deny the request because John took her by the hand and led her out of the apartment.

"Case. Now" said Sherlock abruptly, reminding the Doctor the soul purpose of coming here today. He sat down on the couch and took a deep breath.

"It's about Clara" he said simply. Sherlock groaned.

"Ugh, Boring" he said standing up quickly and flashing the Doctor a look

"She has some sort of impossibility" said the Doctor somehow being lost for words. Sherlock looked out the window, scrunching up his face.

"Go on" he said simply still looking out the window

"I met her once, never saw her face but she was in a dalek asylum"

"Dalek asylum?" said Sherlock looking at the Doctor

"But she died. Then I met her in victorian London-"

"And she died again?" said Sherlock looking at the Doctor in disbelief

"Yes. i thought that you'd know" said the Doctor

"Well..." he said scrunching his face up. The Doctor sat on the edge of his seat, looking at him, waiting.

"I-I-I don't know" he said.

"Next" he said loudly and standing up quickly

"What do you mean next?" Said the Doctor standing up

"Well obviously it's a figment of your imagination" he said simply

"She can't be"

"Well, obviously she is Doctor" he laughs to himself

"How can a girl die two times and on the third encounter be alive and not remember a thing?" said Sherlock laughing

"H-How did you know that she didn't remember?" said the Doctor frustrated

"Simple deducing" he said

"Well that's what i was hoping that you'd know" Sherlock looked at the Doctor, getting off the high of laughter

"Imagination" he said looking at the Doctor in an obvious look.
"Your girlfriend-" Sherlock flicks his hand stating that he doesn't care
"Isn't that important anyway. Why do you want to know?" He said walking around, two fingers on his temple. The Doctor was enraged and he stood up and punched Sherlock square in the face. Sherlock stood back as if stunned.
He didn't understand what he did wrong. He was incapable of holding anything back and was just as incapable of others feelings.
"She is to me" said the Doctor walking off.

Hey! Can we play a game? A game where we just pretend this came on time and not 2 weeks late. Yeah? Well I wish teachers would. Yeah I've decided to never write Sherlock at all or never.

Have a fantastic day!

Whouffle One Shots (Clara + Doctor)Where stories live. Discover now