Chapter 1: Whom may you be, Karin Tsubasa?

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Welcome to Arc III!

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"No Himiko, you can't bring a knife as a gift" Touya said, repeating himself for the hundredth time.

The blonde alpha whined. "Boo! You're no fun! Whatever, I'll just get her a knife plushie" She said with a tone of excitement.

"We don't know if it's a girl yet Himiko" He paused. "But fine, as long as it doesn't have any dangerous and sharp edges" He quoted his mate, wondering if there was such a thing as 'knife plushies'.

"I know it'll be a girl" She stated confidently.

"No way, it's totally gonna be a little dude" Shuichi chimed in from across the room.

"We have no real way to know the gender until it's revealed in the party" Atsuhiro joined in the conversation.

"Hmph! Jin thinks it's a girl as well, right Jin?" She turned to the taller alpha, who looked at her with comically wide eyes.

"Of course, she's gonna be adorable! No way, it's gonna be a boy for sure" He contradicted himself as he often did.

Himiko frowned, upset that his other ego disagreed. "Whatever, I'm dragging you into the girl team whether your like it or not"

Touya rolled his eyes, he didn't care whether their pup was a boy or a girl, he'd love them unconditionally. "Whatever" He paused and glanced over at Himiko. "Hey, do you know if crusty's coming?"

Himiko raised her gaze and gave him an uncertain look. "I actually haven't heard from him in a while"

"None of us have" Shuichi started. "The dude's been MIA for a few weeks now"

"I don't believe there's any reason to worry" Atsuhiro stated, taking off his mask. "Tomura's always been reserved and childish, and it only gets worse when he's upset" He paused to sip at his warm cup of tea. "I say we let him have some time for himself, maybe blow off some steam. If he doesn't return in a month's time, we'll look for him"

Hums of agreement resonated in the small apartment the league's been hiding out on.

Touya sighed. This whole ordeal was getting tiring. He glanced at his phone, wondering when he'd get any updates from his mate.

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"Cases against Chiasa on possible murder!?" Daichi, Lyn's husband, exclaimed when he caught a glimpse of one of his wife's work files.

"And fraud, and theft, and illegal trafficking" Lyn rubbed at her temple. "The list goes on" She said a tone of boredom in her voice as she spun on her chair, a pen in her hand and a tablet balanced on her lap.

"Hell" The alpha rubbed the back of his neck. "I was surprised when I heard she was behind the accident" He gestured at his cast. "But now all this? I had no idea I've been having Christmas dinner with a criminal for almost ten years now"

Lyn scoffed a laugh. "Yeah I'm pretty sure she almost poisoned you once"

"Haha very funny" When Lyn stopped spinning and looked at him in all seriousness he gaped. "You're serious" He stated.

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