Chapter 4: Trauma

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Keigo breathed in and looked in the mirror. He wasn't wearing his hero suit, Watanabe had said it was unnecessary considering he'd have the rest of the day off, so instead he was wearing casual-sorta formal- clothing.

"Not like it matters, but in my opinion, you look great in anything" Touya stood leaning against the bedroom door frame.

"Aw, so you wouldn't mind if I came back home in a chicken costume?"

"You'd sleep in the couch for a whole week"

"That's pretty contradictory and harsh" Keigo walked up to him and kissed his cheek "I should probably get going"

"Did you eat?"

"Yeah....cereal and milk"

"Keigo, you need to eat properly, you're not just feeding yourself anymore"

"I know! But if I don't go now I'll be late and besides cereal was the only thing that didn't make me wanna puke"

"Fine, but I expect you to be here by lunch time, I'm cooking"

"Okay okay! I promise mom"

"Actually you're the one who's gonna be a m-"

"Goodbyee!!!!" Keigo slammed the apartment door shut.

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"You're here in time, I'm actually surprised" Watanabe glanced at the winged hero.

"Yeah well, I have to make up for last week- and last month"

"You'll be on in another hour. Get a light snack. Feed that pup of yours" she smirked.

"Not so loud! Someone could hear you" Keigo raised his voice.

"I'm not the one currently being loud"

"Whatever" Keigo started to walk away but stopped in his tracks "Where's the cafeteria at?"

Watanabe chuckled "First floor, when you get out of the elevator turn right and then two lefts"

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Keigo swallowed the remains of his sandwich and turned around spotting non other than Japan's no.1 couple.

"Rumi, Naomi. How have you guys been?"

"You talk as if we haven't been texting for the past few days" Rumi chuckled.

"Haha yeah well, it's not the same talking virtually than in person..isn't Fuyumi supposed to be with you guys?"

"Something came up, she'll be here soon" Naomi started "Apparently, she met someone"

"Someone? As if someone to date?" Keigo asked in astonishment.

"Maybe even marry because of the way she talked about him!" Naomi giggled "They've been talking for weeks now and-"

"Marry? Weeks? How come I'm only hearing about this now?" Keigo crossed his arms.

"Well..she told us yesterday-"

"She told you two before me!?" Keigo gaped "I've never felt more betrayed"

"Such is life my friend"

Rumi and Naomi bought some snacks and invited Keigo to sit with them.

"So, how's the pregnancy going?" Naomi asked in a whisper, genuinely curious.

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