Chapter 18: The Price She Paid

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"Excuse me? Good evening, I'm looking For Lyn Watanabe?" Keigo said, giving the receptionist an expectant look as he fidgeted nervously in his spot.

The tired receptionist glanced up. "We don't have anyone registered under that name" She took a pause as she browsed her computer. "We do have someone named Daichi Watanabe and—"

The omega's eyes widened in recognition. "What room? That's her husband!"

"Floor five, room 508"

Keigo rushed to the elevator almost knocking down a cart of food. "Sorry!" He quickly pressed the button to the fifth floor and waited impatiently. Once the doors slid open the omega stepped in.



The receptionist blinked tiredly. "Wait a minute...was that Hawks?"

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Just as soon as he stepped out of the elevator an unpleasant amount of distress pheromones hit him. And that's why he hates hospitals. They're always full of negative mixed pheromones.

Keigo took a deep breath and proceeded to look for room 508.


Keigo quickly turns the corner, and finally he finds them.

Immediately Fuyumi noticed him. She wore a somber expression as she walked towards the winged omega.


"Fuyumi" Keigo hugged the shorter omega."What happened" He paused and glanced past her to see Naomi next to a little girl. She had silky white hair, and black eyes. Definitely Lyn's daughter, Mira. Across from them, an unfamiliar face stood solemnly as they held onto a little boy. One of Lyn's sons. "And where's Lyn?"

Fuyumi leads him to sit down. "Well like I said, there was an accident" She took a hold of Keigo's hands, and gripped them firmly. "Lyn's husband was injured, but right now he's stable" She paused and shut her eyes tightly. "One of her twins is in critical condition" She let out a stuttered breath. "They don't think he's going to survive the night"

Keigo's heart sunk at that. His mind wondered back to when Lyn first showed him a portrait of her family. He clearly remembered the vibrant smiles of those two little boys, and now one of them is on his death bed.

"I don't..." Keigo was at a loss of words. "But what— what happened?"

"Apparently some unidentified villain crashed their car into theirs"

Anger engulfed his senses. "It was no unidentified villain. The President was behind all this, I'm sure of it" he clenched his fists.

Damn it

"Lyn. Where is she?"

"Talking to the doctor"

Keigo ran his fingers through the disheveled mess of his hair. He let out an exasperated sigh and leaned against the cold hospital wall. How had it come to this? Because of him, he concluded. He snapped at Lyn and told her to leave instead of hearing her out. He vaguely remembers her telling him about threats from the President. Damn it. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to her family" The omega claimed, a tone of determination in his voice.

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