Chapter 3: Tenko and Natsuo, forget Shigaraki and Todoroki Pt.1

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A/N: Hello! It's been such a long time! But I was finally able to publish! This chapter is dedicated to natsushig and their story in this fic. I had to divide it into two parts because it was getting too long.

Also these are the secondary genders for the league(I wouldn't be surprised if I changed some of them accidently, but these are their permanent sec. genders):

Tomura: omega, Himiko: alpha, Jin(Twice): alpha, Shuichi(Spinner): alpha, Atsuhiro(Compress): beta

I hope you enjoy!

Arc II Chapter 20 recap:

"I think you're getting bored, like a child would when they get tired of playing with the same set of legos over and over again"

"What the hell are you insinuating?" He asked, though the omega had a pretty good guess what it was.

"What's your goal Tomura?"

"I don't need to answer that, especially not to you"

"Your original goal was to kill All Might, reshape society" Touya paused. "But then you changed that goal, and instead you wished to destroy society all together rather than reshape it" Touya smirked. "Something's changed though..hasn't it?"

This dialogue was heavily modified, if you want you can go back to Chap. 20 and reread the interaction between Touya and Tomura.

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Five months prior to that conversation...

Tomura Shigaraki sauntered through the dark streets of Musutafu, mindful of the pro-heroes patrolling the area. The omega was dressed in simple black leggings, white shirt, black mask, and black sneakers. He spotted the neon sign of a club only a few blocks away from headquarters, given to them by the Paranormal Liberty Front(PLF). Deciding he had nothing better to do, he entered the establishment. The moment he walked through the doors, a wave of strong pheromones assaulted his senses. He gagged, overwhelmed.

"First time?" A voice shouted over the loud music.

Tomura spared a glance at the man, and sneered. "None of your business"

The taller only laughed. "Here c'mon" He grabbed the omega's wrist and started leading him further into the club. "I think I know a place better suited for you"

"Let go—!" Tomura was seriously considering using his quirk against this perverse asshole, fuck the consequences. Just as he was about to though, he was pushed through a pair of double doors. Inside was a lounge, it reminded him of the league's very first hideout. It was quiet, safe for the soft background noise(and the muffled out party music). Everyone in the room was either lazing around, gambling, or drinking.

He turned around, intending to shout at the stranger, but unsurprisingly, he was already gone. He sighed and went to sit at the bar.

"That was Haruto who brought you here" An alpha, broad, white haired, and fairly handsome spoke. He sat a two stools away from Tomura. "He's my college dorm mate, but he's not usually like this, y'know dragging peopl around, he's drunk" He explained, defending his intoxicated friend.

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