Chapter 8: Family Part 1

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"How many more pictures are you going  to take?" Touya asked, leaning against the door frame, a smirk growing on his lips.

"Probably a thousand more" Keigo answered, not looking away from the mirror.

"You might want to cut that number short, you're meeting with Fuyumi, remember?" Touya walked towards him.

"Yes I know, but Touya" Keigo put his phone down and faced his mate "You never know when we'll get this again- or if we'll ever get it again" He laced their fingers together. "I want to capture these moments, good moments don't always last forever Y'know? Especially with us" he scoffed "Between you and me being hero and villa- ex-villain, we can't catch a break"

Touya leaned down and kissed his forehead "You're right" he then unlaced their fingers and cupped Keigo's small bump. "We should take advantage of these moments" he paused and looked Keigo in the eyes "So how about a date?" He proposed.

"A date?" Keigo chuckled "Where are you planning on taking me? An old abandoned warehouse? A dark and ominous alleyway? Hmm reminds me of the old days" The omega joked.

Touya hummed "How about a rooftop dinner?"

Keigo's eyes slightly widen before he smirks at his alpha "How fancy. I love the idea. When?" He loosely wrapped his arms around Touya's neck.

"Next Saturday, after you come home from work" Touya nuzzled their noses together.

"Sounds perfect"

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"Keigo! Over here!" Fuyumi called out to her future brother-in-law.

"Hey" the omega greets her "How are things? With work and y'know who" he asked a he sat down across from her.

"Things with Tensei have been great" she smiled, though her smile didn't last long "Work's been a little stressful" she admits "Ever since I was moved to teach upper grades things have been...quite interesting" she takes a pause "I'm teaching eighth graders, and well they've been presenting, and it's honestly so stressful"

"How so?"

"Well for starters, they're all so...irresponsible! In every sense! With school work and their secondary genders. They turn in their works late, or never at all, they they even copy off each other right in front of me!" She rubs at her temples "Alphas have been acting out and scaring the poor omegas, betas are just..there, and- oh god omegas... Last week one fell into their first heat while I was in the bathroom, and when I came back it was total havoc, I- I honestly want to forget about that day"

"And I thought being a pregnant hero was stressful" Keigo laughed. Though, Fuyumi didn't really seem to be amused.

"That's...actually the reason why I called you here today" she shifted nervously.

Keigo raised an eyebrow "What's up?" He asked, the tone in his voice soft.

"Well..I've been thinking about this for a while and" she takes a pause "I think we should tell my family"


"About the baby and Touya"

Keigo furrowed his eyebrows "You want me to tell your family that Touya's alive? Not only that, but about my pregnancy too?" He asked, as if to make sure he'd understood her.

"-and that you're mated too, yes" she sighed "Look, I know we're not the perfect family, but we're trying and-"

"I know" he cut off Fuyumi "It's just..I'm not sure how Tou would feel about that- scratch that, I do know. He wouldn't like it"

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