Chapter 15: Confrontation

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A/N: Ahhhhh, it's finally out! Sorry for the long wait. I explained why it took so long to update in my conversations page. Check it out if you want.

I'm going to put the last scene of the last chp. Just in case anyone forgot.

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Lyn waited patiently in her office. "It's okay. I can do this" She closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair.

The door opened without warning and in entered Chiasa Watanabe, or as most people know her, the President of the commission. "Lyn, you called? You've made progress?"

"Yes, I finally met his mate" Lyn lied. She stands up and walks towards her aunt. "And you had nothing to worry about. You were wrong. Kei— Hawks' mate is just a normal civilian. We can drop the investigation"

Chiasa narrowed her eyes "Is that so?" She takes a few steps towards her niece. "What's the name of his mate then?"

Lyn didn't hesitate and answered. "I really shouldn't tell. After all Hawks wants keep his private life out of his hero work, which he has all the right to do" She turns her back to the president and stares over the dimly lit city through her massive windows. "Trust me, the case is over. We should carry on with our normal schedules. No more spying or befriending Hawks" The omega bit her lip, praying that the terrifying alpha falls for her lies.

It was quiet for a few moments before Chiasa spoke again. "Very well then. Consider the case closed" The alpha made her way towards the door, but before she left. "Though, If I find out you lied for Hawks' sake—" She paused. "Let's just hope that for your sake you're not lying" And with that she le—

"We're family. How can you threaten me like that?" Lyn asked, clenching her fists.

"It's just business my dearest, Lyn" Chiasa spoke one last time before leaving Lyn alone with only her thoughts to torment her.

It takes a moment, but when she's certain Chiasa's gone, she falls to her knees. "Dammit Keigo" She rubs at her temples as she takes out her phone and clicks her photo library application where a clear picture of Keigo and his mate, the infamous arsonist Dabi, resides. "Why him?"

Without further ado, Enjoy the chapter!

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Dread seemed to scatter like a plague as Lyn contemplated whether she really should be doing this or not. A myriad of emotions flooded her head, and by the time she arrived at the hero's apartment she was beginning to regret her decision.

What could she even say? Should she confess everything? Would Keigo be mad at her? She knew the answer. Yes, he would. Would she loose him as a friend? She's not sure.

What is she thinking? Why is she thinking like this? This is nothing like Lyn! Lyn Watanabe is a determined woman, a bold and strong omega who's not scared of confrontation. Who's not scared of loosing friends, and who's certainly not afraid of her aunt.

She's not scared of her aunt. She's not.

What a terrible lie. One she's willing to temporarily encourage. She brought up her clenched fist and knocked on the ivory white door. It was quiet. She knocked again, harder this time. Maybe they were asleep or maybe they weren't even home, so she should take the chance and get the hell out of—

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