Chapter 13: Getting Closer

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Hawks sighed as he leaned back in his chair. He tried to lift his head up, but that only made the poor omega even dizzier than he already was. "Fuck morning sickness honestly" he said under his breath. He rubbed small circles in his belly "You really like giving mama a hard time huh?" he said, a tone of fondness in his voice. "Ugh" he groaned as another wave of nausea hit him.

A knock on the door caught the hero's attention, and a few moments later Watanabe walked through his office doors "Hey, how's the future mother to be feeling?" She asked as she made her way over to Hawks' desk.

"Horrible.." He was able to utter out.

She chuckled "Morning sickness not treating you well?" She took a seat across his desk.


"I remember the first time I got pregnant, it was awful" she laughed as she reminisced about her pregnancy.

Hawks was able to lift his head " were pregnant once weren't ya?"

"Two times actually. First time a girl, and then I had twins, both boys"

"Woah, that's a lot....aren't you an alpha though?"


"I said—"

"I heard what you said, but you're wrong"

"Oh..then you're a beta?"

Watanabe blinked "Hawks, I'm an omega"

He stared at his manager in disbelief "...What?"

Watanabe crossed her arms "You should know this, Takami, it's in my folder— the one you were supposed to read before hiring me— Did you not read that?"

Hawks looked away "I did! It's just I....speed read the entire thing and skipped a few parts so I guess I missed that one little detail" he chuckled awkwardly.

Watanabe looked at him with an unreadable expression before she let out a small laughed "Oh Takami, you're unbelievable"

"Seriously don't look like an all" he eyed Lyn carefully.

"I get that a lot" she said "Though not as much as I did back in my high school days" she scoffed "I was so different back then"

"What do you mean— If you don't mind me asking" Hawks said, quickly making sure he wasn't crossing any lines.

"It's fine" she chuckled "I don't know if you'll believe me but...I was a very shy pup" she had a sad smile on her face, an expression Hawks had never seen.

He scoffed "You? Shy? You're kidding"

"Nah, I wish I was though" she paused "Everyone thought I'd be an alpha because of the way I was coming along. I was the tallest girl in my class, and I was protective around my closest friends. The signs were there, but the results shocked everyone. I presented as an omega, and my whole world changed. My friends acted weirdly around me, my parents would take me to doctor appointments to see if they'd made a mistake, and I earned some bullies along the way, as well as a nickname. In my high school days I was known as the fluke" she grit her teeth as some unpleasant memories resurfaced "An omega, with the appearance of an alpha. They told me alpha would ever find me attractive" She wiped a forming tear. "I'm sorry, that got way too personal"

"No, no! It's fine, I—"

Watanabe stood up "No, that was so unprofessional of me. I'm an employee in your agency and here I am, crying to you about my past" she scoffed "How childish of me, I'm sorry" she started to walk away towards the door.

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