Chapter 7: Three Months

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A/N: The time skip I've been meaning to do ever since the beginning of the story. Enjoy!

❤️Notice❤️: We get a Ruomi backstory in this chp!(sorta)

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"Hawks are you listening?" A voice breaks Keigo out of his thoughts. Currently they were having a meeting with some members of the commission and some pro-heroes.

"Hm? Uh yeah" He mustered up his best smile "I just- Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom"


"Watanabe, please fill me in on what I miss" The winged hero said and took his leave.

It was quiet for a few more moments, until the commission's president spoke up.

"This is the third time he's excused himself to go to the bathroom, Watanabe?"

"Yes?" Lyn looked up from her notebook.

"You're close friends with Hawks aren't you?"

"I wouldn't call us close friends, sure we are friendly around each other, but our relationship in work is strictly profes-"

"What I mean is that" she cut off Lyn "You two have built a sort of trust for each other" she takes a pause "I've even heard you call him Takami, and quite frankly, you're the only manager he's ever aloud to call him that. If he's up to something- If he tells you something interesting, I trust you'll come to me and inform me"

Lyn narrowed her eyes "Of course"

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"Honestly, being pregnant is a whole controversial ordeal" Keigo spoke through the phone. "I'm happy- overjoyed even, but this is the third time I've had to use the bathroom! Everyone in there is gonna think I have urinal problems"

Fuyumi laughed over the phone "Watanabe's probably getting a headache for all the trouble you're causing her, y'know? Her being the only one in your work, apart from Naomi,  who knows about the chick"

Some time ago, they had decided, that while talking in public about the baby, they'd refer to it as a chick, you never know who might be listening in on their conversation.

"Don't remind me, I already feel bad enough" Keigo whined into the phone. He sighed "I probably should get going, everyone's probably wondering why I'm taking so long"

"Okay- and hey, are we still on for tonight?" Fuyumi asked.

"Yes- it'll be my first time cooking for all of us- isn't that amazing!?"

"You know what would be amazing? Us not dying of food poisoning tonight" She laughed.

"Hey! Tou has been teaching me! And he's a great cook! I bet I can be as great as him!" Keigo said with a tone of confidence.

"I'll be the judge of that"

"Yeah yeah, see ya later Yumi"

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