Chapter 16: Something's Wrong

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Keigo removed 'Lyn' from Omegas

Um what?

Was that an accident??


Can you girls come over?✓✓

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Fuyumi knocked on the door, and soon she was let in.

"Fuyumi's here" Her brother announced, making his way back to the living room. Fuyumi followed, and found Naomi, Rumi and Keigo sitting on the couch.

"Okay, what's going on?" Fuyumi said as she put down her purse on the coffee table.

"Dunno, Keigo was waiting for everyone to arrive" Rumi answered.

"So? What's wrong?" Naomi asked, concern clear in her tone.

Keigo looked up at everyone for the first time since they'd arrived. He was tired, had bags under his eyes, and his hair was a disheveled mess. "Honestly this just happened a few hours ago, but I still can't believe it" He took a pause to breathe. "Well it turned out Lyn was...working for the President instead of me this entire time. Apparently she had been giving her information about my pregnancy, and I'm guessing she told her things we'd discuss confidentially"

"Lyn what!?" Rumi shouted.

"What?" Naomi said in disbelief. "Lyn is working for the President!?" She exclaimed, venom in her tone. "Are we talking about the same Lyn here?"

"I knew something was off about her! But I—" Fuyumi paused. "I— We trusted her"

Everyone started speaking loudly in unison, and soon the apartment was filled with shouting and arguing.


Three days later

"Are you sure about this?" Rumi asked walking besides the winged hero.

"Yeah, I mean if the President knows then what's the point in hiding it anymore?" Keigo said as he caressed his swollen belly. Currently they were walking casually in the crowded streets of Musutafu.

They were headed to Hawks' agency so he could ask for maternity leave. Rumi was in her full hero costume, and Keigo was in pants and a simple red maternity shirt, showcasing his beautiful baby bump. Though could you really call it a bump anymore? He'd gotten so big in the span of five months.

They could both feel the stares, and hear the whispers. A few flashes and clicks from cameras as they made their way through the city.

"Damn..I still can't believe Lyn was..." Rumi trailed off once she notice Keigo stiffen at the omega's mention. "Y'know"

"Well there's no way we could've known. She's a really good actress" Keigo said, nonchalance in his tone.

They soon arrived at the agency and made their way to the twentieth floor. Immediately after stepping out, all eyes were on them.

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