Chapter 7

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Smith POV

We were all sitting in the hang out of the tour bus watching a talk show host that was gonna interview the boys tomorrow. It was a little crowded. Lin was sitting on Louis's lap being bounced on his knee like a little kid. River was sitting beside Louis looking disgruntled. Zayn was on the other side of River. On the other couch, I was sitting on Liam's lap. Beside us,Kay was on Harry's lap. And beside them, Hannah was on Niall's lap.

Kay and Hannah were playing checkers. They were both turned towards each other while still on the boy's lap. They had the board balanced on both of their knees. Niall was asleep. Harry was texting someone. Louis,River,and Lin were talking about the interviewer. River was talking about his faults,Lin was talking about his mustache,and Louis was making comments on both of the subjects. Liam and Zayn were discussing when they would see their girlfriends again. I was just watching all of them.

"His mustache is bushy,"Lin stated.

"He needs to talk louder,"River commented. Louis nodded and put his arm around River's shoulders.Sigh.

"I can't wait to see Danielle again,"Liam said happily. That made me kinda of sad for some reason.

"I know! I really miss Eleanor,"Zayn exclaimed.

"Hahah! King me!"Kay said smugly. Hannah flipped the board over.

"Woops!"Hannah said inisintley.

"You did that on purpose!"Kay accused.

"When are we gonna be there?"River whined. 

"In about 5 minutes,"Harry said,finally getting off of his phone.

"Who were you texting Hazza?" Louis asked.

"Just this girl I met,"Harry replied. Did Kay just look sad?

"I want a turtle,"Liam sad sadly.

"I wanna cat!"Kay and Harry exclaimed at the same time. Everyone started laughing.

"I want food,"Niall said waking up.

"Me to,"Kay agreed.

"I WANT COOKIE DOE,"Lin shouted. Louis gave her a high five.

"What are we gonna do when we get back to the hotel?"River asked.

"Lets watch a horror movie,"Louis said eyeing River. Probably wanted her to cuddle with him when she got scared. Blah. Almost everyone looked like they wanted to object but didn't want to seem like a wimp. They all started discussing which horror movie to watch. 

I looked over at the time. It was 8:00 p.m. We had been driving all day. We had left at 6:00 a.m. this morning. When we were leaving,we got ambushed by fans. It had been really weird. Paparazzi had been swarming. Taking pictures and asking if we were One Direction's girlfriends. Which was really stupid cause two of the bandmates in One Direction had girlfriends. We were in some England town that I don't care what its name is. We were staying in a hotel all week then getting back on the bus and leaving. Tomorrow is Tuesday and the guys had to do an interview for some morning talkshow,then do a photo shoot. Wednesday,they get a free day for whatever. Thursday and Friday is the day they shoot their music video 'I Want'. Saturday they do a concert. Sunday they do another talkshow and then we move to to a new town.

"Your being quiet,"Liam said. I looked up at him and shrugged. The tour buss stopped and we all piled off. We had to hurry inside before the fans found out we're here. I sighed and started to run for the entrance.  

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