Chapter 21

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River POV-

We are on the plane! Woo-hoo! Lin and Smith don't seem that excited though. They get to see their mates. Why aren't they excited? I'm sitting in between the two of them. Smith keeps staring off into space and Lin won't stop crying. Lin was fine at first but when we got to the airport she broke down. Whatever. I'll make Jet cheer her up. I can't wait till we get home! Plus I'm finally rid of Kay and Hannah! This is perfect.

-Skipping the plane ride-

Smith POV-

I walk over and grab my luggage from the thingy. Lin and I follow River towards the airport exit. Tears run down Lin's face. She hasn't let go of the teddy bear she found in the hotel room. I put my arm around her. I have to be strong for Lin. I will always love Liam but I have to get on with this horrible life.

We walk outside and I see Hale in a car with Bass waiting. Hale gets out of the car and hugs River. I stare at them in disgust. Bass tries to hug me but I shrug him off. I might be moving on from Liam but I will never love Bass. I might merry him and that crap but I will never truly love him. 

We all pile into the car. River blabs the whole way. I sit quietly with Lin.

I walk inside and take Lin upstairs to our old room. When Lin sees it,she starts crying harder. I take her to her bed and lay her down. I tuck her in and turn out the lights. We can sleep in our clothes. I walk over to my bed and get in it. 

I think of Liam. I wonder what he thinks of me. I bet he hates me. I know I hate myself. I roll over and fall into an uneasy sleep.

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