Chapter 25

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Dear Smith,

I am sitting in the hospital by your bed. The doctor says your dead but I don't believe it. The doctor says that your mind has stopped working. That your soul has moved on. The only thing that's still keeping you in the hospital and not in the ground in the faintest trace of a heartbeat. The doctor says that sometimes certain body parts still work when people die. She said that she will let you stay in the hospital a few more days but she will have to unplug you from the wires and pronounce you dead sometime. 

I am so sorry. This is all my fault. Harry told me about how you prayed to switch places with me. Why would you do that? How could you do that? This is all my fault.

Kay gave me this journal to write to you in. I hope you can read this. Kay and Hannah are a mess. Almost as bad as me. They always stay as long as they can but have to go home sometime. All of the boys miss you to. I haven't left your bedside since we found you yesterday. It was Niall who found you. You weren't breathing. I was so tempted to just kill myself and join you. I would have if all of our friends hadn't been there for me.

I broke up with Danielle this morning. I realize something. I love you Smith. I have since I first laid eyes on you. I was just to afraid to acknowledged it. I came to the decision to ask you out when you sang that song. But then you died. And here I am writing to you. You probably aren't seeing this. I bet your singing with the angels. Right where you should be. Here comes the nurse for your checkup. I will write to you soon. I promise.



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