Eat or Leave?

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I rushed over to Emily as her body fell to the floor.
The sudden change in her weight from blacking out caused her father to move just perfectly where I got a bullet right between his eyes.

"She's coding get me the defibrillator!" An EMT said as they rushed past us into the room.

"We need a stretcher, puncture wound to the lower abdomen she's losing blood and fast." They said as they put her on a stretcher taking her back to the ambulance.

I wasn't allowed to ride in the ambulance with her even after I put up a good fight, so I jumped into a car not caring if the others were behind me or not.

*Arriving at the hospital*

I arrived at the same time as the paramedics, so I was able to see them take her back into surgery.

"Bpm dropping rapidly barely over 20." One of the doctors said as he sat on her chest trying to resuscitate her.

Watching them run past me like a blur with her on the stretcher made me break. She looked so fragile, so broken. I blamed myself for this happening if I just wasn't worried about myself, and worried about how she was acting we wouldn't be here right now!

I slumped down into a waiting chair knowing it was going to be hours before she was out of surgery.

Emily's POV:

I could hear faint voices giving orders, and blurry objects moving around in a hurry.
All of a sudden, there was a large flash, I was in my childhood bedroom?

"Emilia! Lunch is ready!" A voice called out.

I was confused, I had no clue what was going on, but I willed myself to get up.
It was weird there was no blood, no wound, no pain.

I made my way down the all too familiar stairs of my past heading to the kitchen.

"Ahh Emilia you're up did you sleep well?" A woman asked.

"W-Who are you?" I asked the lights were still bright so I couldn't see anything really.

"Are you feeling ill? It's your mother silly." The woman laughed as she continued to cook at the stove.

"M-Mom but-but you're dead?" I said my eyes finally adjusting.

"Of course I am, now let's have lunch so you can join us." She said putting the food on the table.

"Us?" I asked.

"Woah heads up here he comes!" Another voice shouted.

Just then I felt something jump onto me, Sergio?

"Okay what the hell is going on?" I asked setting Sergio down.

"Everything alright in here Bella?" Another woman came into view.

"Grandma?" I said going to hug her. "I've missed you so mu-" I fazed right through her.

"Oh honey you can't touch me til after you eat and join us." She said sitting in a dining chair.

"Okay what do you mean by join us?" I said as I sat down too.

"Well, you're dying Bella, if you eat now then you really die and come with us, but if you leave." She said gesturing to the door. "You have a choice to fight." She smiled.

"What's it going to be honey? Come with me and your nunna, or go back?" My mother asked.

"I-I want to go with you, but..what about JJ, and Lily, and the team?" I said sadly.

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