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Felix: L-lung cancer? How?

The doctor sighs and motions for me to sit down next to my mom, and I do.

Doctor: I don't know under what conditions this happened, but your father's lungs have inhaled too much second-hand smoke. It seems his body was used to this, so symptoms showed up very late.

Felix: What do I have to do to save him?

Doctor: Surgery is the only option, and that too there's only a 50% chance he'll survive.

Felix: How much... will it cost?

Doctor: Around $22,000, since the cancer has already spread. It could cost more if you want an experienced doctor.

My heart drops.


That's way too expensive.

My family is already really poor.

My dad works at a factory and my mom sews clothing for a boutique.

What they make is barely enough to keep us alive, and now this?

The doctor leaves the room and my mom immediately pulls me into her embrace.

Mom: Don't worry about the cost, I'll manage somehow. You just spend with your father okay? he'll be happy.

Felix: Mom...

Mom: I'll go talk to the doctor, you stay here, hmm?

She walks out of the room before I get a chance to say anything and I sigh.

I know she's just pretending like she isn't fazed by the cost of the surgery.

This is a big deal for all of us, and she can't just tell me to continue. my life the way it was after knowing that.

My dad slowly takes the mask off his face and motions for me to go to him.

Once I do, he holds my hand and gently squeezes it.

Dad: I-I'm sorry...

I shake my head and smile, despite the tears rolling down my cheeks.

Felix: No, it's not your fault. besides, Everything happens for a reason. 

I sniffle and pull my hand away from his grip.

Felix: I've been planning to start earning for the family soon, this is just a push.

Dad: Lix, you d-don't have to-

Felix: I do, dad. I do. It's about time. Don't worry, I don't have much to do during the day anyway.

I walk out of the room and see my mom sitting on the bench outside.

Mom: Oh, Felix. You're done talking to your father? What did he say-

Felix: Mom, I want to work a part-time job.

Mom: No, Felix. I can't make you do that.

Felix: You're not making me do anything. I want to do this. For our family.

She sighs and rubs my back lightly.

Mom: Fine, but don't overwork yourself, okay? I'll figure something out, we'll just need to adjust until then.

Felix: Alright, I'll head and start looking.

Mom: Already?

Felix: Yeah, I want to get a job before the end of this week, which is tomorrow.

Mom: Okay, sweetheart. Be safe, okay?

Felix: Yes mom.

I quickly peck her cheek and walk out of the hospital.

Now, I just need to find a job.

It'll be easy.


𝗟𝗨𝗖𝗜𝗗 𝗗𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠𝗦 | 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘹Where stories live. Discover now