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I walk into the club and change into my uniform.

Jisung: Gosh Felix, I thought you were going to be late!

Felix: I know I know, I'm sorry!

I make some cute poses and Jisung laughs.

Jisung: It's fine, get started with the customer over there.

I nod and start taking the orders, finally getting the hang of the job.


Even after my shift is over, I decide to stay back and take a few more orders.

Jin: Felix, it's fine. You don't have to stay back. I feel bad.

Felix: No no, I want to do this, Jin. You don't need to feel bad.

I'm not staying back because I want to.

I'm staying back because if I go home, I'm gonna fall asleep.

If I fall asleep, I'll have to see Changbin.

And I don't think I'm ready for that yet.

Jin: Alright, I can't just let you work for free. I'll give you a bonus for your work.

Felix: What?! Jin, you don't have to do that!

Jin: No, you deserve it. Now get back to work, there's a customer waiting.

Felix: Yes sir!

I salute playfully and take the customer's order.

That bonus is really gonna help pay the bill, but it still won't be enough...

After a while, I check the time and my eyes widen.

It's 2 am!

Mom is gonna kill me for being so late!

I run to Jin's office and open the door.

Of course, Jin and Namjoon are making out again.

Felix: Uhm, Jin...

They stop what they're doing and look at me.

Felix: I have to go now...

Jin: Oh okay, have a nice night! 

We say goodbye to each other and I head back home.

I slowly open the door to my house and step in as quietly as I can.

I take my shoes off and turn on the lights.

I gasp when I see my mom standing in front of me.

Mom: What's the time, Felix?

I don't answer and keep my head low.

She sighs and lifts my chin with her finger.

Mom: You shouldn't be out so late. It's not safe, you know that.

Felix: But working overtime got me a bonus...

Mom: Felix, I get that you want to help, but you shouldn't overwork yourself.

Felix: But-

Mom: If this happens again, you'll have to quit your job. I know you don't want that.

Felix: Okay...

She steps back and I go to my room.

Saying I'm tired is an understatement.

I feel like I'm gonna die if I don't sleep.

Giving in to my fatigue, I lay on my bed and close my eyes.

As soon as I open them again, I see Changbin sitting in the spot where I usually wait for him.

Changbin: Lix! You came!

I turn the other way, but I hear his footsteps coming towards me.

Changbin: We need to talk.

𝗟𝗨𝗖𝗜𝗗 𝗗𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠𝗦 | 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘹Where stories live. Discover now