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I look up from my phone when I hear someone calling my name.

Jisung: Changbin! Changbin look over there!

He points to a group of men quite far away from us.

Changbin: What happened? Why are you so panicked?

Jisung: T-that man took Felix.

Changbin: What?!

I stand up and Jisung leads me to the men.

I look over their shoulders and see Felix standing with teary eyes, trying to get away.

Changbin: What the fuck do you think you're doing to my boyfriend?

I push them aside pull Felix towards me.

Jisung takes him somewhere and I look at the men.

"You shit face you, who do you think you are?"

"Look at you, all bark and no bite."

"I fucking knew it, he was just acting all tough in front of that boy."

I scoff and grab one guy by the collar.

Changbin: You wouldn't be saying all this if you knew who I am.

Man: Oh really? Who are you then?

Changbin: I'm Seo Changbin, fuckers.

The man's eyes widen and he steps back.

Man: Seo... the heir to Seo Industries?

Changbin: That's right.

He looks at the other guys and they all laugh.

Man: You think that'll scare me? You're nothing spoiled, bratty bitch who thinks he can get whatever he wants.

Changbin: I don't think I can get whatever I want. I just do.

Man: Acting cocky are we? Show me what you go?

Changbin: You asked for it.

I crack my knuckles and take a step towards him.

Before I can land a punch, two hands wrap around my waist.

Someone snuggles their head into my back.

Changbin: Lix?

Felix: Hmm, don't hurt them. I got the owner, they'll take care of it.

Changbin: Are you sure? These fuckers deserve a good beating.

A man with wide shoulders walks into the scene.

Jin: Hello, my name is Jin. I'm the owner of this club. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.

Felix: Jin, it's not your fault. Just make sure these guys learn a lesson, okay?

Jin: Of course. Namjoon, hand me my slipper.

Namjoon: Sure, baby.

He takes out an old-looking slipper and hands it to Jin.

Felix: Jin, what are you doing?

Jin: There's still a good 5 minutes before the police. Meanwhile, I'll have a little talk with these fuckers.

Jisung: Let me join you, boss.

Jin: The more the merrier.

The look in his eyes says it's not just gonna be a talk, but I couldn't care less.

Changbin: Baby, let's go.

Felix: But my shift isn't over.

Jin: You have the week off, now go get some rest.

Felix: Oh, thank you!

I hold his hand and lead him outside.

Felix: I'll walk home...

Changbin: No way I'll leave you alone after what just happened. I'll walk you home.

Felix just nods and we start walking towards his house.

Changbin: Hey, are you okay?

Felix: Why wouldn't I be?

Changbin: Well, those guys...

Felix: Oh them? Nothing happened, so it's fine. Plus, you would have just beaten them up if they did anything, right?

Changbin: About that... I was just bluffing. I never learned how to fight.

Felix: Really? That's funny!

He giggles and I almost cry from how good it sounds.

After a while, we reach his house.

Felix: Uhm, well... I'll see you soon?

Changbin: Right, bye~

We wave goodbye to each other and he walks inside.

I take out my phone and call my driver to come and pick me up.

Once he stops in front of me, I get in and he drives me home.

I open the door and start walking towards my room.

Father: Changbin, wait.

I turn around and see father and mom standing behind a table.

Father: Do you have an explanation for these?

He points at the envelope on the table.

I pick it up and take out what's inside.

My eyes widen and my heart drops.

Fear takes over me and my hands start sweating as I look through the pictures.

Pictures of me and Felix...

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