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I wake up to the jingling of keys and open my eyes to see father unlocking the door to the cell.

I sit up and rub my eyes to adjust to the light.

He looks at me and smirks.

Probably to mock my pathetic state.

Father: Get your ass up and go to your room. You need to get ready for your wedding. Don't even try to escape.

Before I can even respond, he turns around and walks away.

I roll my eyes and get up, dusting off my clothes.

I slowly walk out of the cell, my body weak from not eating any food since I got locked in here, and make my way up to my room.

Outside my room, two super buff men are standing outside.

Changbin: Excuse me, can I help you? Why are you standing in front of my room?

Man: Mr. Seo said to guard this room and make sure you don't escape. Please go inside.

Of course he'd hire guards.

I sigh and walk into my room, finding a woman standing inside.

Woman: Hello sir, I will be getting you ready for the engagement. Please wash yourself first.

I nod and step into the bathroom with a towel.


After I'm done, I wear a plain white shirt and grey sweatpants.

Woman: Sir, please change into this suit. I'll be outside if you need any help.

She hands me a suit and leaves the room.

I strip out of my clothes and put on the suit without much difficulty.

Changbin: I'm done.

The woman walks back into the room and smiles.

Woman: Let's get you ready for your engagement~

She starts applying makeup to my face, and the rest is a blur.

I can only think about Felix.

What is Felix doing?

Is he okay?

Will he come to save me?

Can he even save me?

I flinch when the woman taps my shoulder and points at the mirror.

I look at my reflection.

My skin looks clear and glassy.

My eyes have some makeup around them, making them look more sharp and defined.

My hair is styled back with gel, like those Hollywood actors.

I'm also wearing some jeweled earrings, which are really different from the normal idol-style earrings I wear.

I look good, a lot better than usual, but I just can't bring myself to be happy about it.

Woman: You look amazing! I bet your fiance's heart will flutter the moment she sees you!

Yonghee? Oh hell no.

The men standing outside my room come inside and escort me to the car.

Even though some of the people in the car try to start a conversation, I just stay quiet and stare out the window.

We arrive at the event hall, and most of the guests are already there.

Yonghee is wearing a long red dress that really suits her, but I can tell she hates it.

I walk to the stage and stand next to her, faking a smile for the sake of pictures.

Soon, it's time for us to exchange rings.

The priest hands us the small boxes and my hands start sweating in fear.

I don't want this!

But there's nothing I can do to stop it from happening.

Instead of dreading this moment, I should've been preparing for it.

The moment Felix turned his back on me, I knew it was over.

But I just couldn't believe he would something like that.

Maybe he really was after me just for my money...

I flinch when my father nudges me, signaling to put the ring on Yonghee's finger.

I slowly open the box and take out the ring.

I take a deep breath and hold Yonghee's hand, bringing the ring closer to her.

Just as I'm about to slip the ring onto her finger, a loud crash, followed by loud screams, echoes through the hall.

I let go of my Yonghee's hand and look around to see what happened.

"Changbin! Changbinnie!"

I drop the ring and my eyes widen in shock.

I'd recognize that voice anywhere.

I immediately run off the stage and stop when I see Felix struggling to get past the guards.

Felix: Binnie! I'm sorry for leaving you! I have the evidence!

Suddenly, Chan and the others appear and start pushing the guards away, letting Felix get in.

He runs to me and wraps his arms around me.

Felix: I'm so sorry...

Changbin: No, I shouldn't have ever doubted you. You had your reasons, but you're here now. That's what matters.

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