Chapter 28

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I sat with my cheek laid on the desk, a quiet sigh leaving me. Atsushi and Kyouka had gone out on a job to keep them distracted while Dr. Yozano worked on Ari. I should probably go back and give some more information....
I had come into the office relatively worried this morning because I hadn't been able to find Ari at all last night or even this morning before work. I had tried calling her, finding her with my ability... and nothing. I couldn't get ahold of her and it scared me.
When I came in with Atsushi and Kyouka this morning, Dazai was sitting with his back against the wall outside of Yozano's surgery room. I ran towards him with my heart practically beating out of my chest. "Dazai... she's not... please don't tell me..."
He looked up, his expression grim with slight fear. "I'm sorry..."
My breathing became shallow and I suddenly moved towards the door, Dazai standing quickly to grab me.
"Kotori stop! She's hurt and needs medical attention!"
I ignored him and continued to struggle and fight against him, wanting to see her.
After that, it took Kenji, Dazai, Sherlock, and Atsushi to haul me into the office and keep me from trying to burst inside the surgery room.
This all lead up to me currently sitting at my desk with the left side of my face laid on it's surface.
I sat up straight and leaned back in my chair, my back crackling and popping loudly. I rubbed my eyes before letting them drift towards the clock on the far wall, the time letting me know that we had all been sitting in silence for over an hour now.
Someone placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked up. Ranpo looked at me with a slight smile, holding an open box of strawberry Pocky in my direction. I reached out and took one, offering him a smile back. "Thanks, Ranpo..."
He nodded, "Don't take this to mean we're equals because it doesn't by any mean... but you looked like you needed some comforting."
My smile widened just a bit more, "Yeah. Thanks for cheering me up,  Ranpo."
His smile widened and he walked back to his desk, "See Shion? I told you it would help."
The blue haired girl looked at him sleepily and rolled her eyes, "Alright fine, you're right and I'm wrong."
He nodded before sitting down and they both began to quietly talk to each other. I ate the pocky stick I had been given and watched them for a few more seconds before looking away. They really do look cute together.
The door to the office opened and Yozano looked at us all. "Dazai, Kotori I need you both to come with me."
The both of us stood quickly and practically ran out of the room after her. When we entered the room she quickly moved towards Ari and lifted the girl's head just slightly. "What is this?"
She pointed towards a spot on Ari's head that had a mist coming from it.
Dazai and I both looked at each other before looking at Yozano with slightly wide eyes.
She rolled her eyes and sighed, "I was going to get this over with quickly so the both of you would stop worrying, but whatever this is... it won't let me anywhere near her with my ability activated."
We looked at each other again before Dazai reached out and placed his hand on the girl. His ability activated but the mist flared a bit bigger and started to take on it's wolfish form.
I gasped quietly and stepped forward, snarling just loud enough for Nothing to hear. The mist flickered before completely disappearing.
Dazai turned and gave Yozano an intimidating smile. "It's nothing for you to be worried about at all, alright?"
I shook my head at Dazai before being grabbed and shoved out of the room, the door slamming behind me. "Hey! You can't just kick me out!!"
I turned on my heel and grabbed the handle only to find it locked. "Dammit Yozano..."
Atsushi, Kyouka, Rin, Sherlock, and Shion approached about the time I was ready to knock the door down. "What are you doing?"
I ignored the question and kicked the door harshly, causing it to fly open. Dazai and Yozano looked at me, the latter giving me a silent glare. I moved quickly to the unconscious girl and checked her out as much as I could with her lying on the bed. Everyone else was looking over her as well, all of us wanting the girl to be alright. When my examination was finished I nodded my head at Dazai and left silently. I wanted to spend at least a little bit with Chuuya.
I left the building, pulling my phone out of my pocket and texting Chuuya's phone.

Just left the office... I want to see you and was wondering if you were busy?

My phone began buzzing with an incoming call and I raised a brow when Chuuya's called ID flashed across the screen. I hit the answer button and pressed it to my ear, "Hey"
"You wanna see me? After you ghosted me yesterday?"
I stopped walking and froze, "I... I didn't..."
Gunfire sounded in the background on his end and he shouted, "DAMMIT I SAID FALL BACK!!"
Panic bubbled in my chest, "Chuuya!? Chuuya answer me right now!"
The line went dead and I had to keep my head from running with terrible thoughts of what could have happened. Images of my bullet riddled body suddenly filled my mind and I gulped back a terrified shudder.
I've gotta go find him... I've got to make sure he's ok!!

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