Chapter 6

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Kunikida and I fell to the ground in a flurry of angry growls and curses. His head slammed into the wooden floor with a loud thud, causing everyone else in the room to go silent as they watched. My body was practically moving on it's own as I continued to swing at his chest and shoulders. I shouted curses, insults, and demanding he apologize for calling my brother and I brats. In  the background, I heard Dazai tell someone named Kenji to grab me and shortly after Dazai had spoken, gentle hands grabbed me around the waist and began pulling me away from Kunikida.
I allowed myself to be pulled back slightly with no resistance before lunging back one final time and striking Kunikida across the face, three thin claw marks forming across his left cheek. Kenji's arms returned and picked me up with ease. I didn't fight him, choosing to go along and stop resisting. He lifted me up and pulled me to his chest, a bright close eyed smile on his face.
"Wow, you really did a number on him, didn't you?"
His voice proved he wasn't much older than me, and I sighed slightly.
Dazai looked at me and smiled softly, "I know you're upset, but why don't you, Kenji, and Ranpo over there go on a case for me?"
Ranpo eyed Dazai and then looked at me, his brows furrowing just the slightest, "If you say so. Which case is it, Dazai?"
Dazai walked over to a filing cabinet and opened the top drawer. He flicked through a few files inside before pulling one out and walking back over. He glanced at Kenji, "You can put Ms. Nakajima down now, Kenji."
The boy nodded and assisted me in putting my feet back on the floor, the smile never leaving his face. When my feet touched the floor, Dazai handed me the file and nodded towards the door. Ranpo had already made his way towards the door and I quickly stepped around Kunikida, who was sitting on the floor still, to go after him.
Kenji, Ranpo, and I were sat on a boat down at the docks. I was flipping through the file with my eyebrows furrowed, "It says here, there have been cases of multiple boat crashes all along the waterways of Yokohama. It also says there have been... sea monster sightings?"
There's only one person I know of... but there's no way...
I shook my head, rubbed my forehead with my hand, and then laughed slightly. Oh Shion... what have you gotten into now?
I stood up and walked towards the boat controls, memories flooding through my head of all the times Shion had taught me to steer and control a boat when I was a Mafia member. I stuck the key into the ignition and started the boat, "You two ready? Cause it looks like we're about to go fishing."
Ranpo looked at me with a raised eyebrow before rolling his eyes, "Oh no, you're not another Dazai are you?"
I glanced back at him, "No way. I'm not suicidal. I just... happened to have a similar career path as Dazai."
Kenji looked over, "Same career path? Huh... that's odd. I don't think I remember Dazai ever telling anyone what his previous job was. Do you Ranpo?"
The two sat and discussed what Dazai's past job could have been, while I navigated the boat to the last known crash location.
I looked around the closer we got to the latest crash sight, finding no signs of any obstacles that someone could have crashed in to.
Well that's another hint that this was probably Shion. Maybe if I...
I activated my ability, my tails and ears appearing with occasional twitches. The two behind me he gone quiet, but I figured they had run out of things to say. I hummed a familiar song, but stopped when something touched my tail. My head whipped around where I found Ranpo and Kenji messing with my tails. Oh my god, no.
Both males looked up at me, their eyes practically sparkling.
"I knew you could turn into a fox, but the fact that you can manifest your ears and tails like this! It's amazing!"
Ranpo was poking and petting my tail still, while Kenji had moved onto my ears. I groaned and turned back to the boat controls, exasperation taking over. I lifted my head just slightly to try and catch a scent, something drifting into my nose. I spun the wheel in the direction of the smell, a thud sounding behind me. I winced, "Sorry, Ranpo."
I pulled our speed boat alongside a small houseboat that was just drifting across the water, no one in sight. I took the rope that kept the boat tied up at the docks and threw it onto the other vessel. Next I walked to the edge of our boat and hopped onto the other, grabbing the rope and tying the two together.
After I made sure they were both secure I started wandering across the deck towards the door that led inside, sniffing occasionally. It's hard to get a read on where they are exactly. The smell is everywhere.
I made my way to the door and looked through the circular window on it, hoping to find some kind of sign of life. When I didn't see anyone, I jiggled the handle. It opened with ease and caused a small smirk to form on my face, She never did lock the doors on these things. Alright Shion, where are you?

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