Chapter 1

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My breathing came out as shallow panting, the crimson liquid that was supposed to be inside my body was seeping from the few bullet holes littering my chest. I coughed harshly, blood spraying from my mouth. Everything hurts...
My gaze would occasionally shift around slowly, trying to find any danger that could be sneaking up on me. Although it doesn't matter now. I'm already dying.
Pounding footsteps came from my right and I struggled to pull myself into a position to defend myself. My blood soaked hands quivered along with the rest of my body, everything inside me screaming to stop resisting the pull of gravity. I winced as I shifted slightly, using the wall of crates behind me for support.
At this point I couldn't even remember how the fighting had started. We were supposed to be getting some stupid shipment and taking it back with us. Instead, we were ambushed. My current predicament only happened because I shoved my stupid friend out of the way. Stupid ass bastards. I fucking hate them.
I couldn't really hate them though, one was the reason I had made it this far as it was. The other... I had come to love.
My knees gave way and I collapsed just as the footsteps came around the corner of the wall of crates. "Stupid Dazai, that dumbass is the reason we're all in this mess..."
That voice was familiar, it was a voice I had come to find comfort in. The male continued to ramble on for a bit, not noticing my current situation. Another violent coughing fit took over and even more blood spewed from my mouth this time. I knew my lungs were slowly filling up with stuff and I also knew I didn't have much longer in general.
"K...Kotori? Oh shit... no. Kotori what the hell?"
Uh oh... looks like he noticed.
My sight was slightly blurry as I looked up at the quickly approaching form. I forced a small smile as he squatted next to me. "Heyyyyy so... this all turned to shit, huh?"My voice was raspy and quiet. The male stared down at me with a horrified expression, his face a ghostly white. I laughed slightly, wincing immediately after, "Whats wrong? Yo... you look like you've seen a ghost or somethin..."
His gaze dropped and he pulled me into his lap, "It's not fair... I can't lose you. You didn't have to play hero and try saving us both. You should have left us there you stupid idiot."
I closed my eyes and tried to inhale, feeling the blood swimming around my lungs, "I know... I'm... really sorry." I could feel my body going numb and I forced my heavy eyelids open, "I'm... sorry... I... I love you... I always will..."
His grip tightened on my body and he buried his head in my neck, "Shut up... you can't die. You cannot die! Kotori do you hear me!?"
He was met with a disturbing silence.
He pulled his face away, his eyes wide and full of tears, "No... no, no, no! Kotori! Kotori wake up! KOTORI!!"
"Kotoriiii... come onnnn, we've gotta find some food or something."
I sat up quickly, my eyes wide, and heart pounding. What the... that was... why was I remembering THAT?
I groaned and slowly stood to my feet. I turned, looking over at Atsushi who was standing a little ways away, and I guess pondering how we were going to get food. He mumbled something about robbing the next person to pass by, causing me to roll my eyes and snicker quietly. He gave me a small glare, but quickly turned his attention to the road. Someone was coming, and I was interested to see if my brother was really brave enough to attack and rob someone. A guy on a bike came zooming by, Atsushi's once determined look became one of embarrassment. "Fine. The next one then!"
My snickering morphed into loud laughter as a military troop was the next to come by. Watching Atsushi's face go from determined to absolutely horrified was the most fun I had had in a long time. I stopped laughing to catch my breath, and a noise further up the river behind me caught my attention. I spun around and looked, noticing something floating towards us. I squinted slightly and just barely activated my ability so I could see what it was. What the fuck... is that... IS THAT A PERSON!?
Atsushi quickly moved up beside me and his expression became one of concern, "Is that..."
I nodded my head and watched as they drifted by, their legs sticking above the water. The both of us stared at the person in the river until Atsushi burst forward and dove in. I stared in shock, but started to laugh when he surfaced. He grunted and coughed as he hauled the person out of the river and onto the bank, "Thanks for your help, Koto."
I smirked at my brother, "No problem."
I looked down at the man, a faint feeling of familiarity hitting me. I moved just slightly closer and then all of a sudden, the man's eyes popped open and he sat up. I squealed and jumped back, his sudden movement scaring me.
He looked around in confusion, and my brain was working overtime, trying to figure out how I knew him. Atsushi looked up at him, "You... you fell in the river... Are you alright?" The man ignored him and spun around quickly, just as Atsushi kneeled next to him.
My brother moved back quickly, "Woah!"
I narrowed my eyes at him and took a step forward.
The man's eyes seemed dull and unhappy, "I was rescued, huh? Tsk." His eyes turned to Atsushi, "Was it you who interrupted my jump?"
Atsushi looked dumbfounded, "What do you mean interrupted? I saved you!"
I had yet to be noticed so I sighed and crossed my arms. This is going to go on for a while isn't it?
My duel colored eyes looked out across the river as the two in front of me continued arguing. In the distance across the river, I saw a rather tall man looking around for something. A funny thought ran through my head, What if he's looking for this weird ass, here?
I suddenly realized my brother and the strange man had gone silent. I blinked and looked back at them, noticing the stranger staring at me. The fact that he looked so familiar but I couldn't place who he was, was seriously pissing me off.
The stranger waved at the man across the river, "Oh, Kunikida! Thanks for your hard work!"
I raised an eyebrow, Ok... so glasses across the river is Kunikida. Who the hell is this guy?!
"Oh that's right. I just had a great idea. This is my colleague, let him treat you."
The stranger looked so different from his emotionless expression earlier.
"LISTEN TO ME!" Kunikida, AKA angry glasses man, across the river shouted.
I sighed and put my head in my hand, Oh my god it's like a fucking circus, and I still don't fucking know Mr. Suicides name yet.
The stranger looked over at us again, "So... what're your names?"
Atsushi suddenly became timid, "Nakajima... Atsushi."
I looked up and met Mr. Suicide's gaze, "My name is Nakajima Kotori."
The man's eyes widened, but he quickly steeled his expression once again.
"Follow me Atsushi, Kotori..." he paused after my name for a moment but recovered quickly, "What do you want to eat?"
Atsushi blushed and looked down, "Um... I... want to eat chazuke."
The man sighed, but then started to laugh, "So, a kid dying of hunger wants to eat chazuke of all things! No problem at all, we'll have Kunikida treat you to 30 bowls."
Angry glasses man shouted loudly, "DON'T USE MY MONEY AS YOU PLEASE, DAZAI!"
I stepped back suddenly, my eyes wide in shock.
It would seem Dazai suddenly realized the situation as well and he turned to look at me. He smiled slightly, "It's been a long time... hasn't it?" His voice wavered just the slightest bit, but I caught it.
Without thinking, I ran at him and threw my arms around his neck. Dazai laughed the slightest bit and hugged me back, "You're lucky, I don't get mushy for anyone."
I pulled away just enough to look at him, "Trust me, I know that's a lie. You used to get all mushy with me all the time. Every time I got upset or something was bothering me, you were there. Honestly Dazai, you've been like a big brother to me ever since we first met."
Dazai sniffled slightly and I giggled, "Man, what was it you said about not being a softy?"
He stuck his face into my neck, "Shut up..."

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