Chapter 33

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I stared down the barrel of the gun pointed at my face, my gaze never wavering. The quiet sigh that passed my lips was almost unnoticeable but Dazai seemed to hear it.
"Are you bored?"
My eyes flickered from the gun to him, my lack of an expression making it hard for him to read me. "I never said that. Actually, I never said anything."
He smirked coyly at me before pulling the slide back on the weapon in his hand. A small glint of maliciousness in his eyes told me he was enjoying this just a bit too much. "You're still not activating your ability to fight against this."
I scoffed and looked back at the gun, "You may as well go ahead and pull the trigger then, because I'm not gonna risk hurting you."
Dazai activated his ability, a blue glow surrounding his body. My eyes widened as I felt my ears and tail disappear, a small wave of anxiety flowing through me. "Fine! Fine... I'll do it! Just cut it out."
His smirk widened and he put his finger on the trigger, my body quivering slightly in fear. We stared at each other in suspenseful silence before his smirk became a full blown grin and I bent backwards into a flip. I used my left foot to knock the gun from his hand mid flip, landed on my hands and then pushed off the ground to land on my feet again. Dazai stayed still for a moment to process what I had done, the gun now laying a few feet away from the man.
"That's not what I told you to do."
I eyed him before backing up a few more steps, "I told you I didn't want to hurt you."
He moved over slowly and picked up the gun, "If you don't... I'll have to shoot you and make you activate it."
I clenched my jaw tightly and shook my head at him, "No! This is the stupidest idea ever! Do you really want to die?!"
He gave me a blank look and it suddenly dawned on me that I was talking to Dazai.
Of course he'd want to die...
My eyes flickered around the empty warehouse we were in and I frowned at the fact I wouldn't be able to hide anywhere but in the shadows if it came down to it.
I could feel Dazai's gaze burning into me, yet I refused to meet his eyes. I knew what would happen the second I did and I wasn't looking forward to having to fight. Why can't I give in? That's all I have to do for this to end...
I rubbed my hands up and down my legs nervously before closing my eyes and wondering if I was making the right decision. Before I could fully talk myself out of it I muttered, "Curse of the Kitsune."
Instantly, a bright violet hue filled the entire warehouse, the light almost blinding. My body shuddered and a cold chill ran down my spine as I felt myself beginning to slip away. I could feel everything going on around me, the slight shift in the air, Dazai's breathing and slight movements, everything. My chest constricted, my breathing shallowing out, and my pupils dilating like those of a wild animal. That was essentially what was happening to me though. I was losing my self control and becoming... rabid.
A noise from Dazai's direction made me look towards him, the dark haired male had the pistol aimed directly at my chest.
My lips curled back in an uncontrollable snarl which only caused Dazai to pull the trigger. Pain ripped through my left shoulder and a loud howl of pain passed my lips. My knees dropped onto the dirty warehouse ground and my body suddenly jerked violently. Another cry left me, this one strangled.
My body, my movements, and sounds weren't anymore mine. All I could really do was watch as my body moved on it's own and I suddenly transformed into my fox form. Dazai's face split into a large grin as soon as I charged him, "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?"
The only answer he received was an angry snarl and a swipe of claws at his head. He grabbed onto my wrist and activated his ability before shoving me away from him.
The second his ability affected me, I regained all clarity and sat gasping in pained breaths of air. I blinked hazily up at Dazai, before dropping my head with closed eyes. Dazai's eyes practically glowed with some kind of deranged excitement and I quickly bit back a harsh remark about him enjoying this too much.
My body shuddered and I winced in pain, "How..." I shifted and winced again, "How many more times do we have to do this?"
Dazai watched me with an excited gleam in his eye, "As many times as it takes for you to get this under control."
My eyes widened and I dropped onto my back with a loud groan, "You've got to be freaking kidding me!"

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