Chapter 40

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A petrified scream escaped me and pulled me back into reality, my vision was blurred and my blood felt like it was burning in my veins. Tears poured from my eyes in waves as I gasped for air and clutched at my chest with clawed hands.
"Kotori! Calm... you're ...ving a pan... ttack..."
I could barely hear whoever was speaking over the ringing in my ears, it seemed like it was only getting louder as time went on.
A strangled cry left me and I slumped over on my side and curled into a ball, the images flashing in my head repeatedly.
I killed Atsushi... I'm a monster. I killed my brother... I killed him...
A tremor shook my body and the ringing in my ears ever so slowly started to decline in volume.
I could feel a hand stroking the back of my head and a quiet voice humming softly. My tears slowly came to a stop and the burning sensation seemed to calm as well. Everything was slowly reverting back to normal and I couldn't be more relieved in the moment.
"Do you want to tell me what happened now or shall I try and guess?"
I turned my head and met Shion's eyes, her gaze was soft and filled with sympathy as she looked over my tear stained face.
I shook my head rather aggressively and sat up slowly.
"I can't... I can't say it. I can't even think about it."
Shion nodded in understanding, a quiet sigh leaving her lips. "I don't know if this will make you feel any better or not but... whatever you saw wasn't just a regular nightmare. Someone drugged you. I pulled..."
She reaches a hand into her coat pocket and removes a small dart from within. I can almost instantly smell a hallucinogenic drug on the thing. The sweet smell making my nose twitch and my lips turn up in disgust.
"this. And judging by your reaction it is indeed a drug of some sort."
I nod in agreement and frown, "Now the bigger question is, who?"
This time it was her turn to nod, her eyes flickering as she looked the dart over a few times.
Against my better judgement, I clambered to my feet just to collapse onto my knees and hiss in pain. Shion winced and got up to help me stand once more, this time somewhat successfully thanks to her help.
"I probably should have warned you to give it more time before trying to stand but I wasn't expecting you to get up so soon."
I winced and slowly stepped forward as she guided me slowly. I felt like a baby learning to walk for the first time, my legs almost jello like. Whatever the drug was, it was more than just a hallucinogen; it was laced with some kind of paralytic.
I groaned and my head lolled to the side, "Whoever hit me with whatever, they wanted me down for a certain amount of time. I just don't know why."
Shion frowned and glanced over at me as we slowly made our way out of the alley she'd found me in.
"I'm not fully sure, unless they needed you out of the way... I hope nothing has happened to our friends."
I grit my teeth together and growled lowly in my throat, "They better not have touched our friends. Whether it's the Guild or the Mafia. I'll hurt them all if they've even laid a hand on anyone."
Shion sighed softly, "I know you want to but you can't protect everyone Kotori. I'm sorry, I really wish it was possible."
I shook my head again, "I can and I will. Just watch me, Shion."
My blue haired friend smiled just the slightest before picking up the pace, "Alright then. Let's get you back to base and have you fully looked over before you save everyone then."
Determination flooded my chest and I nodded, "Alright. Let's do it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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