Chapter 37

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The sun in Yokohama was setting, signifying the ending of another day. On the rooftop of one of the tallest skyscrapers the shape of a person could just barely be made out sitting on the edge. From the ground you wouldn't be able to make out her black hair with red and white streaks or even the two fluffy ears that sat atop her head. They wouldn't be able to watch the gentle breeze that blew her hair around gently or hear the tune that she was humming as she swung her feet out and back almost carelessly. She couldn't be any older than 12 or any younger than 10. The girl ending up on this rooftop was common in the evenings, especially during the spring, summer, and fall months. During the winter she didn't come up quite as frequently due to the cold but she did brave the winter elements sometimes just to sit and watch the sky if it was snowing. Kotori's fascination with the world had only seemed to grow in the four short years she had been around, somehow the girl had even found a sort of morbid fascination with death itself.
The slight blood splatters on her clothing were evidence of that. For someone who was supposed to be so young and innocent, she had the slightest tinge of derangement in her eyes. Kotori lived in the slums of Yokohama so she only considered it fair that she knew how to defend herself and kill if needed. (Especially considering all the gang violence, in her opinion.)
The only thing she didn't enjoy was constantly being on her own in the world. She had seen families together frequently and couldn't help but be jealous of how they interacted together. The bond they seemed to share with one another and the love that was so evident in their eyes. She couldn't help but let a small part of herself loathe that. They had something she didn't and thought that she would never receive. She could care less about living in the slums and having to fight her way out of things sometimes, she just couldn't stand that she was brought into this world alone.
Someone so young didn't deserve to be this bitter so early in life but it was all she knew. That and the bloodlust that sometimes filled her small body and caused instances where she blacked out only to later on wake up bathed in blood. Rumors of a beast roaming Yokohama and slaughtering mass amounts of people would occasionally reach her and Kotori knew deep down that these incidents were somehow connected with her black outs.
The door to the roof behind her creaked as she heard someone opening it. Her ears twitched as she turned, her dual colored eyes staring intently at the figure that came through the door.
A girl.
A girl that seemed to be about her age or maybe even a bit younger came through the door. She had raven colored hair with red and purple streaks in it. The girl hadn't looked up and seen Kotori yet, so little fox eared girl quickly activated her abilities and transformed into her baby fox form. She cautiously slinked towards the air conditioning units off to her right and darted behind the first one as soon as she was close enough. Her ears swiveled around cautiously as she listened to the other girl move across the roof to stand where Kotori had once been sitting. This irritated the fox girl just the slightest. She knew it was ridiculous but she felt that that was her spot.
The intruder finally sat down and let out a quiet breath. Kotori also let out a small breath, slightly disappointed that she had to leave the rooftop before the sun had even fully set.
It can't be helped I guess, She thought.
Kotori pranced silently around the air conditioning units before making her way to the fire escape at the back of the building. Her eyes flickered back one more time to look at the strange girl once more before transforming and hopping over the side of the building. Her small paws landed with a soft thud on the metal landing a few feet below. She waited a few moments, listening quietly to make sure the girl hadn't heard her before changing back into her human form and climbing down the ladder of the fire escape. She stayed silent as she climbed, occasionally glancing over her shoulder at the ground to see how much further she had to go.
Finally, she was close enough to the ground. Kotori let out a small breath of relief before dropping down and landing in a crouched position.
"Hey, what do you think you're doing?!"
An aggressive voice made Kotori straighten out and whirl on her heel with wide eyes. She wasn't expecting to be caught, especially since there wasn't usually anyone back here.
The girl's black hair waved slightly in the breeze as she stared dead eyed at the man before her. He was about 6 feet tall and bald, an angry look on his face as he glared at the small girl. He was obviously with the mafia judging by his attire and the gun that he had on his back.
Kotori's instincts were practically screaming at her to get away but the man was watching her every move like a hawk.
Maybe he won't notice the blood splatters on my clo-
"Is that fucking blood on your clothes?"
Time seemed to slow as the man reached back for his gun, Kotori's eyes widening even further.
She snarled and lunged, digging her claws into the man's shoulders and knocking him to the ground.
He shouted and tried to grab at the small girl, only managing to barely grab her shoulder before the girl wrenched away from his grasp and began to aggressively claw at him.
The male brought his arms up to shield his face, causing them to take the brunt of the damage caused by Kotori's razor sharp claws.
He cried out in pain and the girl could faintly make out the sound of footsteps approaching from further away.
This alone caused Kotori to realize that things were very much about to take a bad turn if she didn't deal with her opponent now.
So with little to no remorse at all, Kotori transformed into a large fox, clamping her massive jaws down on the man's throat and biting through in one swift motion. Blood sprayed across her snout and her paws were bathed in the sticky substance. It matted her fur and left an extreme metallic scent in the air.
She knew the taste in her mouth was bad, yet she had the urge for more. She wanted...
she needed more.
The sound of approaching footsteps was louder, enticing her urge for more blood.
The girl's head felt like it was swimming, almost like she was drunk off the scent alone. She could hear them getting closer, the dark side of her slowly taking over until Kotori couldn't feel anything but a numb sensation spread across her body and her vision blurring before going completely.
She knew what the result would be when she finally came too later, but the urge just felt so damn good to give into.

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