Chapter 38

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I glared past Haruno and Naomi at the dual colored head that came stumbling past them. My emotions dulled and I side stepped away from the child. My eyes followed the child as he landed face first into Atsushi's chest. Some part of me deep down felt bad, but I wasn't going to let my emotions cloud me. This was a war after all.
Q stumbled off to the side after landing on Atsushi, turning to look at us both as blood dripped onto the train platform from his arm. The child was singing a song about a caged bird which I had heard only a couple times previously to now. Q straightened up and grabbed his shirt sleeve, pulling it up to reveal a doll clenched in his hand as well as barbed wire which was wrapped down the length of his arm.
I stepped back slowly as the doll which was in Q's hand twitched. My claws extended as the thread that bound the doll's mouth shut ripped and it's mouth opened wide. A blood chilling laughter filled the air as Q's ability activated and the doll's small hands grabbed it's head and ripped it in half.
I could feel Atsushi's confusion radiating from him but I refused to acknowledge his questioning gaze which was now on me.
I took a few more steps away and shook my head, "I'm sorry Atsushi."
And just like that... everything went to hell.
Atsushi attacked Haruno and knocked her to the ground, the girl gurgling slightly as she hit the ground. He then whirled around on Naomi who was crying out at him to try and snap him out of whatever he was seeing. He grabbed her by the throat and lifted her into the air, his ability activating.
I stepped forward slowly, "Atsushi... put Naomi down. No one needs to get hurt, you're just seeing things. None of this is real, ok?"
He dropped Naomi with his back still to me, a chill running down my spine.
He whirled around on me and snarled, his claws swiping out at me but missing as I ducked backwards.
I sighed and shrugged out my shoulders, "Alright fine. Have it your way."
I reached up and pulled my tie off, tilting my head to the side and popping my neck, "I really am sorry Atsushi."
A breeze started to pick up around me and a violet glow surrounded my body, "Curse of the Kitsune!"
With those words, my features became animalistic. Atsushi and I attacked each other in a flurry of snarls and flying claws, neither of us holding back. I balled my fist up and let my powers build up around it, a growl bubbling from my throat as I swung my fist at Atsushi and knocked him back. The boy stumbled and landed flat on the platform, myself quick to lunge on top of him.
I grabbed his hair with my left hand and pulled my right fist back swinging it into his face one, two, three, four times before his eyes shut and he fell unconscious. I released my grip on his hair and allowed his limp body to fall, the sickening thud of his head hitting the platform making me wince.
I stood slowly, my shoulders heaving up and down as I breathed heavily. Everything was silent aside from the loud approaching footsteps of Dazai, his breathing frantic.
I turned around when his steps stopped, a hard look on my face.
"They pulled you away didn't they? Who was it Dazai?"
The brown haired male opened his mouth to respond when a chill ran down my spine.
"Kotori, look out!"
I turned just in time to see a large tiger like fist swinging into my face, "Oh shi-"
My head jerked, my body being thrown back at the harsh force of Atsushi's fist.
Apparently I didn't hit him hard enough...
It felt like my body was suspended in the air for longer than a few seconds before my back slammed into the platform, the air leaving my lungs at the sudden, yet brutal contact. I wheezed for a few seconds before managing to pull air into my lungs and opening my eyes to watch Atsushi lunge at me with a snarl. I pulled my legs to my chest with a grunt, kicking them out and into Atsushi's chest and face when he was in range. The force threw him back and gave me just enough time to get back to my feet before getting hit in the face... again.
"Relax, I've got it."
My angered gaze flickered to Atsushi as his limbs returned to normal and his eyes dilated back to normal. He wavered on his feet as he looked around slightly dazed at what he had done, his eyes finally landing on me. I stared him dead in the eyes as I felt blood trickle from my nose and busted bottom lip, watching the regret build in his eyes. I felt my fingers flex as I longed to reach out and hold him, a shudder running down my spine. My eyes clenched shut and I balled my fists up before making a decision...
I rolled my head around, feeling my neck pop before looking back to Atsushi, "Sorry Atsushi."
His gaze held confusion and I sighed before jumping up into a roundhouse kick, my foot making contact with his left temple. Naomi shrieked as she watched what I had done, but I stayed silent as I watched his body collapse. I felt bad... really I did, but... things were complicated now.
The train hissed loudly causing me to jump and spin around, my eyes immediately finding Q in the doorway of one of the carriages. Within moments of our eyes locking I changed into my fox form, a loud snarl overcoming the noise of the train. Rage flooded my veins as I crouched and lunged towards the now rapidly moving train.
I'll kill that little fuck if it's the last thing I-
Suddenly without warning I had been grabbed by the tail and reverted back into my human form, my chin slamming into the platform and a grunt of pain leaving my lips.
A metallic taste filled my mouth and I spit a glob of blood out in front of me, "Dazai what the hell was that for? Why can't you just let me end that little shit?"
The bandage wrapped male looked at me and shook his head before his gaze turned to the two girls and my unconscious brother. My eyes trailed to where he was staring and I sighed heavily.
"I guess you can't really carry all three of them by yourself can you?"
With just that silent acknowledgment we both moved towards the three back on the platform.
"I'll get ahold of Q one of these days and no one will stop me."
A dangerous gleam crossed my eyes and I made a silent vow then and there to kill Q when I got the chance.

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