Chapter 5

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Placing my hands on my hips, I glared down at Dazai. He had decided to try committing suicide practically right outside the apartment building and had gotten his dumbass wedged in a barrel. He had explained that it was some method of suicide where you kept sinking into the barrel and eventually you would die.
This dumbass... My eye twitched angrily, really thought he could do this and it NOT hurt?
An idea came to mind and I smirked devilishly down at Dazai.
"Hey, if you wanna die so bad... why don't you let me do it for you?"
The male looked at me skeptically, "I know how you operate, Fox. I'd rather not. You're too cruel and rough for my tender and frail body."
I snorted and folded my arms across my chest, "Oh, I'm sorry you're majesty! I had no idea you were so much of a pansy."
Dazai stared at me with shock, "Why you..."
"Umm are you guys done?"
Atsushi's concerned voice cut in.
I glanced back at him and sighed with a short nod, "Yeah, my bad. Pull his dumbass out or whatever. If I have to do it... he won't leave it alive." I glared back at Dazai as I finished my statement. The both of us stared each other down until Atsushi shouted, "Enough! You two are like a couple of children!!"
I huffed and spun around on my heel, but not before flipping the trapped male off.
Atsushi had pried Dazai from his barrel prison and now we were making our way down the streets of Yokohama. Atsushi glanced at him curiously, "Where are we going?"
The brown haired male looked back at my brother, "Oh, I'm thinking of giving you a job."
Atsushi's eyes lit up, "Really?"
Dazai grinned at the white haired boy, "When we happen to know a mediator for that, we first go to the office." Dazai took on a pose and rested a hand to his chest, while the other sat on his hip, "Leave it to me! My name is Dazai- The man who basks in the company's trust and the reverence of the people!"
I quirked a brow and laughed quietly, "Reverence? Man, this dumbass has really gotten full of himself. I wouldn't even trust him to go to the bathroom by himself."
Dazai turned and opened his mouth, but was interrupted but a loud shout, "THERE YOU ARE!!"
The three of us looked over and I groaned, "Not him again! I spent enough time with Angry Glasses yesterday to last me a damn lifetime."
Kunikida came storming towards our group, Rin in tow behind him.
Dazai, Atsushi, and myself looked at him with wide eyes, me snorting and giggling uncontrollably. Dazai put his head in his hand, "...Kunikida, who are you calling what?"
Angry Glasses and Rin approached us, Rin avoiding eye contact and Kunikida glaring at Dazai. "Why are you taking a leisurely stroll when we have an emergency on our hands!? Come here, quick!"
I rolled my eyes and zoned out of their petty arguing. My eyes wandered the streets, my senses on high alert. Everyone that passed by us wasn't a threat, but there was something telling me that we were being watched from somewhere. Or at least... I'm being watched.
My eyes darted around the area, because I didn't have my ability activated I couldn't pinpoint exactly who was watching us, or from where. I glanced up at the group in front of me, barely paying attention to their conversation, but enough to know they were talking about someone having invaded their agency with a bomb.
My eyes connected with Rin's, the girl having been staring at me since she and Kunikida arrived.  As soon as we were both staring at each other, she looked away quickly with a small frown. I raised an eyebrow but didn't question her, not wanting to cause drama. I sighed and then looked at Kunikida, "So if there's a bomber, why the hell are we still standing here, and not there trying to stop him?"
The blonde glared at me angrily but turned around and started to lead the way to the Agency anyway. As we made our way there, Atsushi continued to ask questions and Dazai would occasionally answer them. Kunikida and Rin didn't much care for the barrage of questions by my brother, that I couldn't blame them for. However something didn't sit quite right with me about Rin. She would look at me and look away as soon as I noticed her staring, which was odd. I frowned and shook my head, I have other things to be worried about.
Kunikida and Dazai wouldn't let Rin or myself go in with them and Atsushi to deal with the bomber. Needless to say, I was beyond fuming. I growled and balled my fist up for the fourth time now, slamming it into the wall harshly.
Rin had already told me to stop once, but I had snapped at her, anger coursing through my veins. I had never had the best control over my emotions, but anger came faster then the others. However, because I had little control, I would snap at people without meaning too. Back in the mafia, Dazai and Chuuya had never been affected by me getting angry at them. On the other hand, Rin had seemed extremely bothered by me shouting at her.
I hung my head and rubbed at my face, my head throbbing slightly. God I'm such an asshole. It's too late to do anything now though... Rin already left after I yelled at her.
A shout came from upstairs, and my eyes shot to the staircase quickly. I stood up from the chair I had been sitting in and ran towards the stairs, my heart beating loudly. I was afraid for Atsushi. I couldn't lose him, because he wouldn't come back from the dead. My feet pounded on the stairs and when I reached the door, I threw it open.
"YOU IDIOT!" Dazai stared wide eyed at my brother who had thrown himself over the explosive device. I screamed his name, my ability suddenly activating. My body transformed into that of a large fox's and I ran towards Atsushi. I took the explosive in my mouth and clamped my jaw down on it. I shut my eyes and waited, nothing happening at all. I cracked an eye open and looked around, Dazai, Kunikida, Rin, and the guy that had brought the bomb were all staring at Atsushi and myself with wide eyes. Kunikida shut his eyes and frowned, "My goodness... I knew you were an idiot, but that's taking it to another level." He opened his eyes and looked at me, "And you... you weren't even supposed to be here. You upset Rin, so you're lucky I'm not rejecting you right now."
My eyes widened and a surprised sound left my throat. The wide eyed look turned into an angry glare as I transformed back. The 'explosive' dropped to the floor and a bright light filled the room. When it was gone, I was human again. My hands were on my hips and I was beyond pissed off.
Dazai looked between the two of us and smiled, "He has a talent for being a suicide maniac, and Kotori is just protective! There's nothing wrong with stepping in to help the people you love."
My glare softened as my eyes turned towards Dazai. I understood the deeper meaning behind the words he said.
"Huh?" Atsushi was completely confused by what was going on and I couldn't blame him, things were pretty weird. Suddenly I remembered why I had been so angry and I quickly spun on my heel and marched towards Dazai and Kunikida. My tails had frizzed out and appeared huge. My ears were twitching angrily when I stood in front of them. I clenched and unclenched my fists repeatedly, "You two..."
My voice was low and furious, "Are dead!!"
I pulled my hand back and swung, slapping Dazai and Kunikida. The force jerking their heads to the side. Dazai mumbled, "I may have deserved that..."
Kunikida looked at me, his gaze just as angry as mine. "You had no right to strike me, you stupid brat!"
I snarled and took a threatening step forward, "Say that again shitty face."
He leaned forward, "Brat"
My ears flattened against my head, "That's it!"
I lunged at Kunikida, my features becoming more animalistic as I swung at him.

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