Chapter 3

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Things had settled down a bit later and we were all sitting back at the table. Unfortunately, previous to this...
Kunikida has lost his temper and decided to twist my brothers arm and slam him to the floor. Why do I say unfortunately? Because Kunikida was now sporting a rather large, swollen, and bruising handprint on his left cheek.
Stupid bastard. If he lays another hand on Atsushi I'll...
"So brat..." I looked quickly at Kunikida with a dangerous glare.
He glanced at me and then closed his eyes with a sigh, "What do you mean by, 'It's here to kill me'?"
Atsushi looked like he was about to cry as he began explaining how the tiger has been following him ever since we left the orphanage.
"I felt dizzy from hunger, so I don't even remember how I escaped." My brother hung his head, causing me to rest a hand on his back comfortingly.
My eyes met Dazai's as he spoke, "When did this happen?"
Atsushi stayed silent so I answered quietly, "We left the orphanage two weeks ago..."
Atsushi lifted his head, "And I saw it by the river... four days ago."
Kunikida looked off to the side in thought, "The tiger's victims were indeed concentrated in the vicinity two weeks ago. There was also a witness account of the tiger's appearance near the Tsurumi river four days ago."
I watched the blonde wearily, worried that he was going to connect the dots. Meanwhile, Dazai was deep in thought until he suddenly sprung up, "Atsushi, are you free later?"
I looked over at Dazai curiously and then I looked at my brother, my brain working overtime as I tried to figure out where this was going. Dazai always has some sort of ulterior motive when he says something like that.
Dazai had the slightest grin on his face, "It's convenient that you're being targeted by the man-eating tiger. Why don't you..." His smile grew, "...lend us a hand in our tiger hunt?"
Atsushi looked at him in panic, "N-N-NO WAY! YOU'RE JUST ASKING ME TO BE THE BAIT! LIKE I WOULD!!" He flapped his arms wildly as he fussed, but Dazai glanced up at my brother with a smirk, "There'll be a reward."
I rolled my eyes at him, Oh boy. Here we go. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom while Dazai convinces him to give into this.
I stood up, mumbled what I was doing, and then I made my way to the bathroom. I opened the door and stepped inside the smaller room, another person already inside. She was wearing some odd, professional outfit. As I stared at her, I noticed she had short, black hair with red and purple streaks. She had freckles, and dark bags under her eyes. I quirked a brow but moved around her swiftly. I stepped towards the only other available sink and turned the water on, Who is she? And... why is she just standing in here?
I focused on ignoring her and just washing my hands, trying to buy myself time while the guys talked.
As soon as they were clean I grabbed a few paper towels and dried my hands, the girl still standing in the same place. I walked back around the girl and out of the bathroom, still wondering why the hell she was just standing in the bathroom.
I made my way back to the table quickly, noticing Kunikida and Dazai leaving. I made my way to my brother, and once he saw me we both made our way to the exit as well.
I glanced over, "So?"
He stared at me and pulled a small piece of paper out that had an address on it, "We're supposed to meet Dazai here later, but I don't know where that is..."
I hummed and took the paper from him, reading the address.
I know where that is... It's... down by the docks. It's definitely far enough away from any people.
I sighed with a small smile and tucked the piece of paper into my pocket, "Don't worry, I know where it's at. It won't take too long to get there."
He smiled back and nodded, "Ok!"
We exited the building, but about the time we got outside someone bumped me from behind. I turned my head with an angry glare, only for my eyes to widen in surprise. I saw the girl from the bathroom go running towards Kunikida and Dazai. When she was close enough, she grabbed Kunikida's hand and then the three of them started to walk again. I watched as they walked further away with curiosity, I wonder what's up with Angry Glasses and Eyebags?
I kicked my feet out and back, and hummed lightly to myself. Dazai was reading a book titled, 'The Perfect Suicide' and Atsushi was sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest.
"...Will it really come?"
Atsushi looked over at Dazai, concern radiating off his features.
Without looking up, the brown haired male replied, "Yeah."
I glanced between them both as Dazai looked at my brother, "Don't worry. Even if a tiger appears, it'll be no match for me. I may not look like much, but I'm still an agent of the Armed Detective Agency."
Atsushi tucked his legs even closer to his body, "Haha, you sure are amazing, having so much confidence. As for me... even though I was in an orphanage, I was always called a 'good for nothing'..."
I frowned and hopped off the boxes I was sitting on, a deep frown on my face. I can't sit and listen to him insult himself. I'm going outside.
Atsushi's voice echoed inside the room as he spoke and I walked quickly out of the door. It closed behind me with a creak, and as soon as it was shut completely, I sighed heavily. I leaned back against the wall, my eyes closed tightly. It was quiet outside, and that was just what I needed. I slid down into a sitting position, resting my arms on my knees. A noise further out on the water caught my attention, my eyes snapping open. I looked out into the darkness, faint lights glowing in the distance. Is that... a boat?
I mumbled, "Legend of the Kitsune."
Fox ears popped from my head and two fluffy fox tails sprouted from where my tail bone sat. I grinned with a relieved sigh, It's nice to actually let my natural abilities out.
Now that my ears were out, I could hear, see, and feel way more than I did before. My natural instincts kicked back in and made me grin even wider. The sound on the water was much louder than before and I tilted my head, my ears twitching. Among the darkness, there was an even darker shadow on the water that seemed vaguely familiar. The longer I stared, the more it looked like the shadow was emerging from underneath the boat.... And there's only one person who has a shadow shaped like a sea serpent. Shion... I hope she doesn't fall asleep and wreck her boat again.
A scream from inside the warehouse brought me out of my own head and I stood up quickly, my eyes widening. I grabbed the door handle and ripped it open, my eyes landing on my brother huddled up and screaming. The moon was shining on his quivering form and suddenly he burst into his tiger form. I gasped and pulled the door shut behind me quickly, "What did you do!?"
Dazai shrugged and Atsushi suddenly leapt at the other male with a snarl. Dazai side stepped the giant tiger and I cringed, "Dazai avoid his claws. And his teeth. Actually you know what? Just avoid him in general."
I lifted my fingers to my mouth and whistled shrilly, gaining my brothers attention. His eyes cut over to me and he suddenly snarled. I smirked, "This feels like one of our countless missions for the Mafia, huh Dazai?"
Dazai rolled his eyes, "Yeah,  well... a red haired shorty is missing to make this little group complete."
I laughed as I dodged my brother's claws, "Yeah, you're right."
Atsushi would lunge at me, I would dodge. He would then try attacking Dazai, who also dodged.
Dazai got tired of this and as Atsushi lunged at him once again, he stood his ground.
"Being devoured by a beast may not be the best way to die, but it's not bad." He reaches his hand out and touched Atsushi's head, "You can't kill me though. I have the ability... to nullify the abilities of others with just a touch."
A bright light engulfed my brother's body and when it disappeared, he was back to normal. Well... mostly.
His unconscious body collapsed onto Dazai and I laughed quietly, "Aww he likes you~"
The brown haired male raised an eyebrow at me and then pushed my brother off him and onto the cold, hard, ground. He brushed his coat off, "I'm not into hugging men."
I walked over to Dazai and my brother, squatting next to my brother's unconscious form.
"You know... you didn't have to be so rough. Atsushi hasn't ever hurt anyone. Granted, that's because I've kept him from highly populated areas."
Dazai watched me curiously, "So... where'd the second tail come from?"
I blinked and glanced at the two tails, grinning sheepishly, "I'm not entirely sure... all I know is before I died, I had the one. When I came back... and figured out how to use my ability again, I had two tails. I'm pretty every time I die... I get another one. I know that in normal lore, Kitsune get another tail after 100 years or so... it's also a sign of a highly intelligent Kitsune, but I'm not sure what me dying has to do with me gaining another tail."
Dazai nodded his head and prepared to speak again, but the warehouse doors were slammed open, "HEY DAZAI!"
I quickly leaned over Atsushi's body defensively, and was ready to claw the hell out of Kunikida if he tried touching my brother.
Dazai's head turned towards the door, "Ahh. Took you long enough. I've caught the tiger."
Kunikida's eyes widened and he ran towards us, "That brat... So... it's him?"
Dazai looked down at me and Atsushi, "Yeah, he has the power of the tiger. He doesn't seem to retain any memories after he transforms."
I glanced up and nodded in confirmation, "Yeah that's about the gist of it. I never told him because I didn't want freak him out or have to explain things."
Kunikida watched me wearily, "So what exactly are you? Some two tailed cat?"
I stood up with an angry glare, "Say that again, I dare you."
The both of us stood, glaring at each other until Kunikida turned back towards Dazai, "Geez... let me know beforehand next time. You gave me quite a scare." He held up a note with Dazai's writing on it with instructions on what to do. I smirked and then laughed, "Dazai you really haven't changed, have you?"
Dazai gave me a sly grin and then we both turned our attention back to Kunikida who had turned around. "Thanks to you, I deployed those who were off duty. Make sure you buy everyone a drink."
Four people entered the building and I was suddenly on high alert. I sniffed the air, eyeing their silhouetted figures cautiously. Two were male, and two were female. One of the females was the girl from the tea house.
The other woman looked around, "Oh, come on. Nobody got hurt? That's boring."
Dazai glanced at me, "That's Yosano Akiko. Her ability? 'Thou Shalt Not Die'."
Huh... where was that when I was dying?
One of the males laughed, "You're getting more and more dependable, Dazai. But you still aren't in my league!"
My brown haired friend rolled his eyes, "Edogawa Ranpo, his ability... Super Deduction."
Another voice spoke up, this one sounding around the same age as me and Atsushi, "But what should we do with this person? He still isn't aware of what he is, right?"
Once again Dazai spoke, "Miyazawa Kenji. His ability is 'Undefeated by the Rain'."
I looked at the last remaining unknown in the group and found she was standing there, watching me.
"Kurayami Rin. My ability is 'Quoth the Raven'."
She looked over at Kunikida, "When you told me to come with you, I thought we were going somewhere exciting, Kida."
I quirked a brow and had to resist the urge to snicker.
Kunikida sighed, "Well, Dazai? He's designated as a dangerous beast in this area, after all."
I stood up and looked at each of them, and then to Dazai with curious eyes, "Yeah seriously. What are you gonna do with my brother?"
Dazai laughed and folded his arms, "Actually, I've already decided to..." he paused, glancing between me and Atsushi. He closed his eyes and looked back at the group, "Let these two join the Agency!" He smiled brightly at everyone.
Kunikida looked at him like he was crazy, "WHAAAAT?!"
The others looked at Dazai slightly confused, and I suddenly began to laugh. I wrapped my arms around my torso as I laughed, my stomach aching from laughing so hard.
And here I thought maybe Dazai was way different than he used to be! He hasn't grown up at all.
I wiped my face and took a few deep breaths to calm down, "Dazai... you haven't changed one bit."
The male looked over at me and gave a close eyed grinned. I rolled my eyes and glanced towards Atsushi, Our lives are about to get a lot more crazy.

Life of a Stray FoxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora