Chapter 18

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Shion sat across from Kotori's unconscious form, a deep frown on her soft features. Her mind kept taking her back to the moment she arrived on the giant cargo ship. The fear she had felt as Kotori's cold lifeless eyes stared at her, Akutagawa's blood running from her hands and splattered on her face, and what made it worse?
The blood pouring from the multiple open wounds that covered the girl's body.
Shion shuddered and stared worriedly at her friend, How could she not have been in pain? Or even incapacitated by such serious wounds?
Her phone buzzed on the small table next to the bed, causing her to jump. Dazai had sent out a group text to the entire ADA asking for assistance with a new recruit's exam. Shion was pretty sure that the 'new recruit' was Ariake but even so, she refused to leave Kotori's bedside. Kunikida, Atsushi, Ranpo, Yozano, and a couple other Agency members went to assist with the sudden test. In Dazai's latest message he wanted a couple of the agency members to come in acting like they were from the Mafia and were going to rob the store.
Anger crossed Shion's features as she thought about the Mafia. They're the reason Kotori pushed herself past her breaking point. They did this to her! I'll make Mori pay for what he's done.
"Come on Kotori, I need you to wake up."
My eyes flickered open and looked around the room I was in. Wait... is this..?
"Hey Oda Saku, Kotori is awake now."
My eyes widened and turned towards a door that had suddenly opened. Oda Saku stood staring at me, relief filling his features.
"Thank god. Kid you really gave me a scare. What were you thinking? You're only 17. You're too young to be trying to kill yourself. Especially by throwing yourself in front of a truck."
I winced and gave him a deadpan look, "Then why does Dazai?"
Oda sighed heavily and rubbed his temples, "That I can't answer. However, you're not Dazai. So don't act like him, ok?"
I grumbled and nodded my head in agreement.
"Glad you're finally awake, Kotori. You had me pretty worried that you wouldn't wake up at all."
I smirked at Dazai while flipping him the bird, "Death is too scared of me. Besides, it's technically your fault I got hit by that freaking truck."
Oda put his head in his hands, "It's hard to believe the both of you are Mafia executives. You act like a couple of two year olds."
When he looked at us again we both were sticking our tongues out at each other. Oda closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead, "Oh my god... children... the both of you."
Oda walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him and grumbling about stupid children. Dazai and I looked at each other and began laughing loudly. It was common for us to mess around back and forth like this. It almost always happened when Oda was around so it was pretty normal for him to be tired of it by now. I sat up and leaned back against the headrest of the bed, a quiet sigh leaving me.
"I'm just glad I didn't die. You guys wouldn't be able to handle my death!"
I gave Dazai a close eyed grin before trying to get off the bed.
He shook his head and pushed me back onto the bed. "No. You need to stay here and wake up. Do you hear me Kotori? Wake up."
I stared in confusion, "Dazai... I am awake! What are you talking about?"
Dazai shook his head, stepping closer to me with a sad frown. "Kotori... you don't belong here. You have to wake up before it's too late. We need you to wake up."
But... I am awake...? Aren't I?
I sat up and flung my legs over the side of the bed, standing up.
"Dazai you're scaring me... I am awake." He reaches out to grab my hand but I stepped away and backed quickly towards the door, shaking my head violently.
I met my own gaze in a mirror on the opposite wall, fear having flooded my entire face. I gasped as my reflection began to flicker. My black hair changing to white and the colors of my eyes swapping places. I choked out a gasp and grabbed blindly for the door handle, trying to escape. Dazai began stepping closer to me, continuously muttering 'wake up'.
I clenched my eyes shut just as my hand found the door knob and I twisted it open. I stepped backwards out of the doorway and suddenly screamed as the floor dropped from below me. I continued to fall and scream until I was completely hoarse, my voice finally giving out from the strain.

Someone please save me!!

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