Chapter 14

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My 16 year old self stood with my back leaned against the wall, Where the hell is Dazai? He should have been back by now.
I ran a hand through my black hair and glanced around with half open eyes. Chuuya was approaching quickly, a serious look on his face. I stood straight off the wall and looked up at the red head, "Yo, whats got you in such a mood?"
As soon as he was close enough, he grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the elevators.
"Hey! Chuuya! What's going on with you!?"
He glanced back and shook his head, "As soon as we're in the elevator."
I stopped trying to fight him and just followed him inside the elevator, concern filling my chest.
As soon as the doors closed, he hugged me with a soft sigh, "Dazai found something while he was out. That's why he didn't come get you. He went straight to Mori instead of being smart and telling you first."
I pecked his cheek and then pulled away, tilting my head, "Found something? Like what?"
The elevator stopped, the doors opening with a quiet ding.
"Come on. You'll see in just a second."
I nodded and moved quickly out of the elevator, "Let's go then."
I ran towards Mori's office, Chuuya hot on my trail. I threw the doors open as soon as we had made it, a babies cry coming from inside the room. My eyes went wide as they landed on Dazai shielding a small child in his arms. A giant animal that resembled a fox stood defensively in front of the two as Mori tried to attack the baby. The small baby cried loudly and I could feel fear radiating off her.
Her? How did I know that...?
Chuuya glanced at me, "Dazai kidnapped someone's baby, but she apparently has a super powerful ability."
"Hey! I didn't kidnap her!! I found her! There's a huge difference you ass!!"
My eyebrow twitched and I stepped forward, activating my ability. A black glow filled the room, causing everyone to turn their attention to me. When it disappeared, I stood in front of the small group in my fox form. Mori glared at me, "What are you doing? That thing needs to be exterminated."
I snarled loudly at him, my fur standing on end.
A whimper sounded from behind me, causing my eyes to flicker back. The fox like being's ears had dropped and it began fading away.
What? Why is it... That's so strange.
I shook my head, my gaze turning back to Mori. He threw his scalpel at me, my eyes going wide. The scalpel suddenly flew up, embedding itself into the ceiling. My tail flicked as I turned towards Chuuya, who was also glaring directly at Mori.
"Hey... I know you're my boss and all, but don't you ever attack Kotori."
My eyes widened and suddenly a baby's giggle interrupted the serious atmosphere. I changed back and spun around towards the baby, a light smile filling my face. Chuuya stepped forward between me and Mori, his eyes set on our boss. I stepped closer to Dazai and the small bundle, the smile never leaving my face. I reached out and slapped Dazai in the back of the head, snatching the baby from him. The baby cooed and giggled at me, reaching out for my twitching ears. I grinned and nuzzled her small face, beginning to hum a quiet lullaby that I had heard somewhere before. I looked closer at the small child, noticing that the small amount of hair on her head was brown and white. Her eyes held two colors as well but I couldn't see them at the moment since she was falling asleep.
I held her closer, starting to purr very quietly. This put the baby to sleep very quickly, a happy smile on her face. I turned towards Mori and Chuuya, the red head still glaring harshly at our boss. "We're keeping her. Dazai, does she have a name?"
The male looked at me, "Ariake. Her name is Ariake."
I brushed my nose against her cheek, "Ari... I'm gonna call her Ari."
After Chuuya had unchained Dazai, they both continued to bicker for a little while. I used this opportunity to finish out Dazai's rescue and escape plan. I already knew that Dazai was going to save Ari. My job was to cause a distraction so they could both get out unharmed. I spun around towards them, "Ok. We need to start this plan up now. Are you two ready or what?"
I spun towards them, my hands on my hips. Dazai's gaze met mine, a smirk forming. Chuuya moves towards me, grabbing my hand. "You need help. I'm not letting you go at this alone."
I stared at him with wide eyes, "What are you going to do if someone finds out? Won't that ruin everything?"
He scoffed, "They won't find out. Especially if I'm helping from the shadows."
I sighed, "Alright, fine."
Dazai motioned for us to follow him, the plan being put into motion. I gave Dazai a thumbs up and transformed, a purple glow filling the room. I shook my fur out and nudged Dazai with my head, pushing him to go find Ari.
He waved me off and left to go find the girl. I stretched, bumping Chuuya lightly before prancing out of the room. My feet made little to no sound as I made my way towards one of the more populated areas of the Mafia building.
My duel colored eyes glowed in the dark, an animalistic smirk forming on my face. Everyone in the room was going about their normal, boring jobs and all of them were completely unaware of the chaos that was about to ensue.
A low growl sounded from my throat and I lunged out of the shadows into the middle of the room. A few of the women in the room screamed, the males pulling machine guns and other weapons out. I shut my eyes and made myself grow larger, my ears now brushing the ceiling. I snarled loudly, everyone covering their ears and dropping what they were holding. Suddenly an alarm went off in the room, multiple people flooding inside. I charged forward, knocking over desks, people, and other items. Another animalistic grin filled my face, I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

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