Chapter 25

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I paced outside the offices in the hallway, trying to calm my racing heart. I had almost allowed myself to go completely rogue and attack that man. Some part of me knew he was a threat and that I had to keep an eye on him at all times. The fact alone that he was the head of the Guild made it worse. He had Mary and I had to find a way to rescue the poor girl.
My tails flicked around nervously and my ears twitched constantly, every noise putting me further on edge. Dazai suddenly opened the door and stuck his head out, looking at me. "You need to be in here. You're the only one that will be able to hear them without having your ear pressed to the door."
I sighed heavily and rubbed my face a few times, "No problem. Just... please keep me grounded, ok?"
Dazai nodded and opened the door wider for me to come back. As soon as I entered the room, everyone who was in there looked at me with a small smile. Ari was sat in one of the chairs, fiddling with her fingers nervously.
Just looking at her worried expression made me determined to do this. I had to figure out what the Guild's motives were and that's exactly what I was going to do.
My feet carried me to my desk and I sat on top of it, crossing my legs and closing my eyes. Right... here we go.
I closed out the quiet office noises around me and focused all my attention on the muffled voices coming from the bosses office.
My ears twitched as they picked up on Fukuzawa's voice, "Rumor has it that you coerced the mafia into attacking us by offering a bounty. Was that true?"
A laugh and then what I could only assume was Fitzgerald's voice spoke.
"Ah! That was just a miscalculation on my part, old sport! I never expected the criminal organization of this country to be so incompetent. As an apology, I have come with a wonderful business proposal. This agency is pretty nice. The low ceiling is a bit of a bother, but the street view is excellent."
I heard something make a clattering noise onto the table in the room, and then two small clicks... almost like a briefcase.
"I would like to acquire this agency."
My eyes practically bulged from my head and I almost fell off the desk. Dazai quickly moved over and grabbed me, keeping me from hitting the floor. "Everything alright?"
I shook my head and aggressively shushed him with my hand. I closed my eyes again and tuned back into the conversation going on in the other room.
"I could buy every piece of land and all the companies within sight if I wanted. I have no interest in the building or the staff of this company. There's only one thing I want."
I clenched my hands into fists, He'd better not be talking about...
"You mean..." Fukuzawa seemed just as disbelieving as I was.
"That's right. Hand over your 'Ability Business Permit'. If an ability user corporation wants to start a legal business in this country, it must acquire a permit issued by the special ability department under the ministry of internal affairs. But the stubborn mules at the special department refused any sort of bribe. After all, they're a nonexistent organization to the general public. So if I want to 'browse around' the city without getting on the wrong side... I'll need that permit. Oh! I'm also going to require that girl of yours... Ariake, was it? Her ability is something rather special and I just so happen to... require it. So what do you say? Do we have a deal?"
My body began to quake with anger, my emotions swirling around dangerously. In a sense, there was a storm brewing inside me... and nobody was going to like the outcome. If they dared to lay a hand on Ari, or anyone for that matter... they would learn why I had been named the 'Mafia's Monster'. I opened my eyes again, sliding off the desk and standing. I started to listen again, praying that Fukuzawa wouldn't so easily give this man what he wanted.
"I refuse."
Relief flooded me, my shoulders slumped forward and I let out a shaky breath. I was so worried he was actually going to agree.
"Are you sure? At least take this watch. It's a limited edition specially embellished with diamonds..."
Fukuzawa interrupted the man,
"Just as life cannot be bought with money, the permit cannot be exchanged for anything else. It is the very soul of this agency, filled with the special department's expectations, as well as the aspirations of Natsume-sensei, who worked tirelessly to acquire this permit. It is not something that can be touched by rich snobs who's head is stuffed with money."
I smirked, And here I thought Fukuzawa was actually going to give her up. I can't believe I thought he would give any of this up... this isn't the mafia anymore.
"Cannot be bought with money... that's poor people's favorite line. Boast all you want, but... if every single staff member disappears, this agency no longer exists."
My blood suddenly felt like cold sludge and I snarled loudly, "That son of a bitch!"
I could feel everyone's eyes turn to me but I didn't acknowledge them, instead continuing to focus on the conversation.
"I shall bear your advice in mind. Have a safe trip."
The shuffling of feet, footsteps, "Till next time."
My eyes shot open and I deactivated my ability, sitting on Ari's desk with my eyes trained on the door. What Francis said was a declaration of war and I wasn't going to let him get away with it so easily.

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