Chapter 8

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I talked Shion into coming back to the Agency with us for a further discussion. I was also doing this in an effort to help keep her ability hidden since she can't control it very well. Her being near water is like literally begging to be found out.
I glanced behind me at the trio, noticing my blue haired friend had fallen asleep on Ranpo's shoulder.
What a coincidence...
I rolled my eyes and snickered quietly at the two. I turned my attention back to maneuvering the boat through the water, No wonder Shion falls asleep out here so often, it's so calm.
A hand was placed on my shoulder, and I glanced to my left.
Kenji was looking at me with a small smile, "It seems like those two are getting along quite nicely, don't you think?"
I laughed and nodded, "Yeah, I guess you've got a point. Honestly I haven't seen Shion in a while, so it's good to see her doing so well. Even if she's crashing her ship into things."
This time Kenji laughed and shook his head. We continued to talk and joke for a while, until Kenji decided to go check and make sure the boats were still hooked together. This left me alone once more to think.
I pulled the boat into one of the docks on the harbor, a relieved smile on my face. As much as I enjoy the occasional boat trip... foxes and water just don't mix.
I'd much rather be on dry land. My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I pulled it out, rolling my eyes when I saw the name. I pressed the answer button and held the device up to my ear, "What is it, Dazai?"
"I... Kotori I'm sorry, but we may have sent Atsushi into an extremely dangerous situation."
My eyes widened and I immediately pressed the 'end call' button, anger and terror filling my body. I turned quickly to my friends, "I need to go. Now."
The three of them looked up at me, Shion standing and coming towards me quickly, "Kotori, what's going on?"
I could feel tears starting to build up behind my eyes and I blinked furiously to keep them back. "Something's wrong... Atsushi..."
Shion turned to Kenji and Ranpo, "Can you two take care of this? I'm going to go with Kotori."
They nodded, and Ranpo stepped forward and placed a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sure everything will be alright. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement."
I stared at him with wide eyes before nodding, "Right... thank you." I handed him the keys and then ran to the edge of the boat and jumped onto the dock, Shion close behind. I didn't bother hiding my ears and tails as I ran down the street, my body on autopilot. I inhaled sharply, taking in all the strange smells of Yokohama until one distinct scent hit my nose. My ears perked up and I ran in the direction of the smell, hoping I could pick up on some sort of sound to help. However that didn't seem to be the case, which meant I wasn't close enough. Which also means there's more time for someone to try and kill Atsushi...
I pushed myself harder, stumbling slightly as I burst forward faster than before. My chest hurt but I wasn't going to let myself stop until I knew for certain my brother was alright. I wheezed slightly, my chest hurting from running so hard. I have to make it... I HAVE to save him!!
I tripped and fell, rolling a few times before coming to a stop a few feet away. Footsteps came from behind me, "Kotori!"
Shion kneeled beside me, her breath coming out in small pants, "Are you... alright?"
I picked myself up off the ground and winced. My shoulder was throbbing, and my knees were bloody. I turned to respond to the girl, but my ears picked up the distinct sound of gunshots. I turned quickly and started to run again, the pain dulling as my only focus once again became finding Atsushi. The sound came from my right and I veered off into a side street, and from there, a one way alley. Oh this doesn't scream 'trap' at all.
A blonde woman had a gun aimed at my brother, Rin, and two other Agency members. She yelled, "For my master's sake... PLEASE DIE HERE!!"
My eyes widened in horror as she fired the weapon, bullets shooting at the group. The girl I didn't know stood in front of the group all of a sudden, bullets filling her body, and blood spraying the male behind her. I covered my mouth with my hands, and fell to my knees. The girl looked at the male, "Brother... are you... alright?" She collapsed into his lap suddenly and the male stared in complete horror. "NAOMI!!! NAOMI! NAOMI! HANG IN THERE, NAOMI!! OPEN YOUR EYES... NAOMI!!"
Shion came up behind me and rested a hand on my shoulder, "Oh my god... she just..."
As Shion and I continued talking, the blonde woman had made her way behind the boy and now had her gun pressed to the back of his head. I dropped my hands and clenched my fists tightly, This bitch is gonna pay... I'll kill her.
I stood, but the boy suddenly seemed to snap out of his shock and had activated his ability. Suddenly a cube of green light fell around the alleyway and the blonde woman stared in fear. The both of them began fighting and I took a step forward to help. Shion grabbed my shoulder again, "Hold on... Kotori you can't jump in without thinking! If you do, something bad might happen."
I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples, snapping them back open when Shion gasped. The boy was choking the blonde but he suddenly stopped and collapsed. Standing behind him was Akutagawa. A sudden jolt ran up my spine and my gaze hardened,
I... I have to activate my full ability. This is bad.
My brother's eyes widened and he stiffened in fear as Akutagawa made eye contact with him.
"You fear death. You fear killing. Those who yearn for death... are also yearned for... by death therefore." He coughed harshly.
He's still a sickly little bastard...
Atsushi crawled backwards, completely terrified.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Akutagawa."
He continued to talk, and then the blonde stepped forward speaking frantically. Akutagawa hit her across the face, "Your order is to capture the man-tiger alive. What if you shot him by mistake? Useless imbecile."
My tails jerked harshly, "Alright you little punk bastard, I'm gonna fucking KILL you!!"
Akutagawa whipped around and stared at me with shocked eyes, "You... you're supposed to be dead, Fox."
I grinned murderously at him, "Would you look at that, the runt remembers me..."
Memories of myself back in the Mafia flooded through my head and I could feel myself reverting back to the way I used to be. I popped my knuckles and cracked my neck, "If I remember correctly, I owe you an ass beating."
He glared at me, "Rashomon!"
His ability came shooting towards me and I jumped, "You're still slow."
A laugh escaped my throat and my pupils dilated, "So... are you still trying to impress Dazai?"
He got angry and his ability shot towards me again. I grinned widely and transformed, the bright light shooting towards the ground where I landed in my fox form. I crouched low, my tails waving cautiously.
"Two tails...? So it's true. You did die. Yet here you are, alive once more. I guess all of those rumors are true. You aren't human."
Akutagawa smirked at me causing me to grow lowly before pouncing.
Rashomon shot towards me as I was midair, but my body suddenly disappeared into the shadows. Akutagawa's eyes widened in fear, "Kotori! Where did you go!? If you don't come out I will kill the were-tiger!!!"
My laughter rang through the alley, "You're full of shit, sick boy! You need him alive."
I suddenly appeared behind him in my human form, planting my foot in the middle of his back and kicking him, hard. He stumbled and fell to the ground, rolling onto his back. Rashomon shot out at me again and I stepped to the side, avoiding it. He shouted loudly and more of his ability shot at me, each one missing as I dodged them all.
"You know... I would have thought you'd be smarter than this, Akutagawa. After all, weren't you like Dazai's pet?"
Akutagawa stumbled to his feet and launched himself at me, yelling and screaming angrily.
I smirked, placing my hands on either of his shoulders and shooting my knee into his torso. He hunched over and I leaned close to his ear and whispered, "Did I make the poor runt angry?"
Rashomon came at me again and I released Akutagawa, rolling to the side. I stood and glared at Akutagawa, "You missed, bastard."
He grinned deviously at me, "Did I really?"
"K... Kotori..."
My body froze and I turned my head to the side, "No..."
Rashomon had pierced through Rin's torso, blood pouring from the wound and the girl's mouth.
I screamed, rage filling my body and controlling my next actions.
My features became more animalistic and I grabbed Akutagawa by the throat, lifting him off the ground. He gasped, beginning to struggle and trying to pry my clawed hand off of his throat. I began laughing as he struggled for breath, "Whats wrong Akutagawa? Fox got your tongue?"
Purplish black wisps flickered around the far corners of my eyes, as well as starting to engulf my body as I glared at Akutagawa. "I don't have to remind you what happened to the last person that tried to kill someone I love... do I?"
I tilted my head at Akutagawa as I squeezed harder, digging my claws into his throat. His eyes were drifting shut, and made me laugh again. "You're so weak. I can't believe Dazai ever trained you. You're nothing but a pathetic disappointment!"
I squeezed again, until his eyes closed and he practically stopped breathing. My claws drew even more blood and I began laughing uncontrollably.
"Kotori STOP!!"
My eyes flickered towards Atsushi and Shion, my gaze softening. The previous rage and uncontrollable psychosis leaving my body. It also left me vulnerable.
Shion screamed and my gaze turned towards Akutagawa's associate, who had a gun aimed at my head.
"Put him down right now, you monster!"
I didn't loosen my grip as I glared back at the blonde, "Or what? You're going to shoot me?"
She cocked the gun and pointed it back to my head, trying to prove her point. I scoffed, "If you pull that trigger... I'll kill him."
"Not if you're dead!"
An idea came to my head, If I throw this bastard at her... then she'll be too distracted up his ass to notice us getting the hell out of here.
I took Akutagawa's limp body, and threw it towards the woman has hard as I possibly could. She jerked and lunged to grab him, her hand still clenching the gun. The weapon went off and a sudden pain ripped through my chest. I clenched my teeth shut to stop myself from screaming as I collapsed onto my back. My body was going into shock and I could feel myself slipping into the darkness. I gasped in pain and closed my eyes tightly, "I'm... sorry..."
I could feel a pressure on my chest where the wound was and a voice reached my ears, "Kotori... Kotori, you can't do this. Not again. Kotori come on!!"
I opened my eyes just barely, making out Shion's distressed expression. The smallest smile formed on my face, "I won't... I promise. I just... need to sleep..."
My eyes fluttered closed as I lost consciousness, falling into the darkness.

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