Chapter 7

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The inside of the houseboat was officially a mess now and I was struggling to make Shion calm down. Every time I would try approaching her, she would find something to throw at me. I ducked as she did in fact, throw the fucking tea pot at my head. I rolled to the side and stood up again, "Shion it's ME! Now stop throwing shit at me so we can talk!!" She backed away and grabbed a butcher block full of knives, "YOU ARE NOT KOTORI. KOTORI IS DEAD!"
I held my hands up, "Don't you dare, don't you dare, don't you-"
A butchers knife went flying past my head, "You fucking dared. Fine we're playing your game."
Suddenly, my body glowed brightly and when the light died down, I was in my fox form. I charged at Shion and grabbed the block of knives in my mouth, flinging it away. The blue haired girl stepped back and tripped, falling in her backside. I jumped on top of Shion, changing back as I did so. "Calm down. It's me. I may have died, but I came back... somehow I guess it's my ability. If you want proof though..." I closed my eyes and focused on what I used to look like before I died. When I opened my eyes again I saw Shion's wide eyed, shocked stare. Well it obviously worked then...
A backed off of the girl and sat with my back pressed to the cabinets behind me, a small sigh leaving my lips.
"I told you I wasn't lying, jeez. I thought I was supposed to be the irrational one."
Shion sat up and stared at me, tears welling up in her blue eyes.
I blinked, "Wait wha-"
Her tone was angry, but it was obvious she was on the verge of losing it.
I hung my head and ran my fingers through my hair, "You know how I died, right?"
She nodded.
"Right... well, all I can remember is shortly after, I was just... alive again. Only this time I have a twin brother, somehow."
My appearance changed back to it's regular state, making Shion's eyes widen again.
"Why didn't you come back sooner then? You should have come, Kotori..."
Her voice broke and I instantly felt awful. I did this to her. This is all my fault, and I have no idea how to fix this...
I sighed heavily and stepped towards Shion, my hand outstretched. She looked up at me, tears rolling down her cheeks as she took my hand, allowing me to pull her up. After she was standing as well, I wrapped my arms around the taller girl as she cried. I rubbed her back and sighed, "I'm sorry, Shion. I should have come back sooner, but I didn't. I thought, maybe I could start over."
Shion laid her head on my shoulder and we stood there until she had finally calmed down. She pulled away and wiped at her face to get the excess tears off, and she smiled at me. Suddenly the door opened and in came Ranpo, Kenji shortly behind.
"Ranpo, it's not very polite to just barge in to other people's homes."
Kenji looked at him with a finger pressed to his chin.
Ranpo adjusted his hat, "Kenji, this doesn't count. It's a boat."
I stared at Ranpo and Kenji, shaking my head. "Really? It doesn't count because it's a boat? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."
I glanced over at Shion, her body rigid, and her face a dark pink. I looked back to where she was staring and suddenly started to laugh. She was giving Ranpo googly eyes and probably day dreaming as well. I looked towards Ranpo and noticed his cheeks also had a slightly tiny pink, as he would occasionally glance towards my friend. Like me, Kenji was looking between the two however, he seemed utterly confused. I cleared my throat and nudged Shion, "So uh... we're here because the MP contacted the ADA about multiple ship crashes. Know anything?"
She snapped out of her daydreaming and looked down at me, "Uh... ship crashes? I mean... I've fallen asleep a few times and drifted into some things but I've never exactly crashed."
I rolled my eyes, "Sure, ok. We'll roll with that."
Shion stuck her tongue out at me and I shook my head. Ranpo stepped towards us and offered his hand to my friend, "Edogawa Ranpo, the worlds best detective, at your service."
I raised a brow at Ranpo and muttered, "Wow you're so humble, aren't you?"
He ignored me and continued to talk to Shion, "So miss..."
"Shion! Uh... my name is Shion."
Her blush darkened even more and I had to refrain from blanching.
They're both like lovesick puppies. Good grief.
Ranpo was too busy flirting with Shion to actually get down to what we were here for, so I nodded at Kenji. The boy smiled at me in response and also stepped towards us, "Excuse me Ms. Shion, my name is Miyazawa Kenji. Contrary to my partner's... odd behavior, we're here on official business. Do you know anything about strange sea monster sightings... or anything that could be related?"
Shion's head shot up and her face paled, "Uh... sea monster? I have no idea what you're talking about. Sea monsters don't exist."
I facepalmed, Realll smooth Shion. That totally didn't seem suspicious at all.
Ranpo eyed her carefully but didn't say anything, causing me to eye him. I knew he was probably going to figure out what was going on, especially since his ability was literally called, 'Super Deduction'.
Something started to buzz in my back pocket, causing me to jump slightly. I reached back and stuck my hand into pocket and removed a cellphone. When the hell did this get here? Dazai really is a sneaky bastard.
I opened the phone and then the messenger app, having two from Dazai. The first message said, "Look how cute Atsushi is"
The next one was a video of my brother trying to guess what Dazai did before joining the ADA.
I rolled my eyes and laughed, How childish... although, with Shion back, it's extremely similar to when I was back in the Mafia. I wonder how many more familiar faces are going to come back?

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