Chapter 4

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I groaned loudly and rolled over in my bed, my black hair sprawling out across the pillow. I can't fucking sleep. I thought stupid, pervert Mori said these were supposed to help.
I glared angrily at the pill bottle sitting on my nightstand. I growled and sat up slowly, the gears in my head working over time.
Fine... if I can't sleep... I might as well go see Shion.
I climbed out of the bed and walked over to my dresser to get some better clothes than my pajamas.
After I had gotten dressed and brushed through my hair, I left my room. I was sure everyone was asleep, but my ears would still occasionally twitch just slightly when I heard even the smallest noise. I crept slowly down the hall past Dazai's room, and a few of the other executives that stayed on this floor. Once I reached the end of the hall, I started to make my way towards the stair well. My ears picked up a noise from the elevator and my tail twitched in aggravation. Who the fuck is up so late?
A low growl left my throat and I jumped up, pushing one of the ceiling panels out of place, crawling inside, and replacing the panel again. I was not about to get found sneaking out to see Shion.
I stayed still and listened as the elevator arrived on our floor and the doors quietly hissed open. My ear twitched a few times as I heard quiet footsteps down below.
They grew further and further away but I stayed in my spot. I am not answering to anyone about sneaking out in the middle of the night like this. That's gonna be hella suspicious to anyone here.
I let out a faint sigh, and then pressed my ear to the ceiling tile. The hallway was completely quiet now, whoever was down there, gone now.
I slid the tile out of place just the slightest bit, peeking below me. The coast was clear so I pushed the tile further back and then slid out, letting my feet dangle for a bit.
"What are you doing?"
I gasped sharply and swung out with my foot, kicking someone in the head. I dropped down into a crouch with a deep snarl, "Dazai what the fuck!?"
Dazai stared at me with a raised eyebrow, ignoring my question.
"So why are you sneaking out?"
I scoffed and then stood up straight, "I don't see how that's any of your business. I'm allowed to go wherever I want. You don't control me."
Dazai laughed and waved his hand at me, "Fine, go see Shion then. I just wanted to mess with you."
I rolled my eyes and turned towards the stair well once more, "You're a complete idiot and I'm gonna kick your ass."
His laughter followed me as I made my way through the door to the stairwell. I sat on the stair banister and pushed off, sliding down the 5 sets of stairs. An amused grin formed on my face as I slid, If I had a window in my room, I wouldn't have to keep sneaking out through the ground level.
I came to the bottom level and pushed off the railing onto my feet. I headed towards the back door of the building, my feet making no sound at all. I pushed the door open when I reached, and stepped out.
I shot up on my futon holding my head in my hands, my ears and tails twitching wildly, Why do my memories keep flooding through my head like this?
I rubbed my face and then looked around the room I was in. The familiarity of the place flooded through my head and put me at ease. Pictures filled the wall in front of me with all the people I loved. Pictures of Dazai and myself, Chuuya, Shion, all of us together, and then... my favorite picture on the wall was in the center, as well as being the biggest. I smiled gently at the picture of Me and Chuuya, a small brown and white haired toddler in my arms. A few tears welled in my eyes, I miss Chuuya and Ari... God I hope they're doing ok.
Ari... she would be about my age by now. Chuuya and I were young when Dazai brought her in. Somehow, I was reborn as Atsushi's sister, but Atsushi is 18. So the time doesn't add up. Dazai is 22 which means so is Chuuya...
I smiled, at the thought of a grown up Chuuya. He probably hasn't changed much either.
A knock sounded on the door and I grumbled, "How is it, I've never been able to sleep in. You would think dying gives you a pass to sleep in."
I crawled to my feet and stretched, deactivating my ability in the process. Then I left my bedroom, and shuffled towards the door, "What?"
I yanked it open with a huff and saw a shocked Atsushi on the other side, "Sorry, Koto. I didn't mean to aggravate you."
I sighed, "Nah, I shouldn't have shouted." I paused, looking at the clothes he was wearing with a grin, "Well now, you clean up nice, Atsushi!"
The boy looked down at his clothes and then blushed, "Oh... really? You think so?"
I laughed at his awkwardness before running a hand through my hair, "Alright, I gotta get dressed."
He nodded and stepped back so I could close the door. After I had closed it again, I made my way back into my bedroom. I rubbed my left eye with the back of my hand and yawned. My head had been too filled with memories lately for me to sleep very well. I feel almost like Shion, and that's saying something.
I opened my closet to find something decent to wear, remembering Dazai's words from last night. He had told me to dress semi-professional if I was going to go to the ADA with him tomorrow. I grabbed a hanger further back in the closet with a sort of uniform on it. I didn't remember it being here when I used to live in the apartment, but I noticed a note attached to the hanger with Dazai's handwriting on it.
'I thought you might need this. Don't worry, you can still wear Chuuya's coat with it.'
I rolled my eyes and laughed loudly, "Dazai you're such a moron."
I looked at the clothes, a faint smile on my face. They're not bad. They're sort of like what Atsushi's wearing, only more like what I used to wear in the Mafia.
I stripped off my pajamas and began getting dressed, fumbling slightly with the tie. It didn't look half bad, but it was definitely missing something. I went back to the closet and shifted a few hangers around and some other things until I found the coat Chuuya had given me when I was still in the Mafia. I pulled it down and held it to my nose, inhaling deeply at the familiar scent.
I closed my eyes and smiled slightly before putting it on and making my way to the mirror. I definitely looked professional.
My moment was cut short when rapid knocking sounded on the door again. I growled and grabbed my lace up boots, sliding them on quickly before going back to the door. I reached for the door and threw it open, Atsushi standing there with a frantic look, "Dazai just called! He said he's dying!!"
I sighed heavily and ran a hand down my face, "That idiot... Alright c'mon. Let's go get him before he 'dies'."

Life of a Stray Foxजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें