Chapter 10

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Dazai pulled me off to the side quickly, a finger pressed to my lips. I glanced at him through narrowed eyes, a look of aggravation on my features. I was tired, my clothes were wet, I had multiple small cuts adorning my body, and we had been chasing this girl for almost half a day. Needless to say, I was beyond pissed. My partner stuck his head around the corner quickly and then pulled back, nodding at me.
So she's over there. Ok, let's do this.
My tail flicked and I slunk around the corner, keeping low to the ground. My eyes stayed trained on the girl, and I smirked. Luck was on my side since her back was turned towards me. She moved to turn around and I dropped, rolling out of sight behind a stack of boxes. I stuck my head around the side of the boxes, breathing out quietly when I noticed she was standing with her back to me once more. I activated my ability and crept towards her, my steps completely silent.
3... 2... 1... NOW!!
I lunged, changing back midair.
I wrapped my arms around her, my body weight crashing into her and knocking us both to the ground. Once we hit the ground, Dazai came running from his hiding place, activating his ability and placing a hand on the girl.
This gave me the opportunity to readjust, actually successfully stay atop her, and keep her pinned down. The girl's eyes were wide with terror, "Please, I didn't mean to do anything!! I'm just trying to gather supplies! My ability... I can't control it."
My eyes widened and I loosened my grip, "You... can't control it?"
The girl stared at me, her gaze filling with sudden realization, "You're both with the mafia... are you going to kill me?"
I crawled off the girl with a frown and shook my head, "Why the hell would we kill you?"
The girl's eyes widened and she shrugged, "Uh... I dunno."
She's hiding something... I'll leave it alone for now. We've scared her bad enough.
I rubbed my head and looked at my partner, "Alright... well we have strict orders to bring the 'culprit' back with us. What do we do?"
"Well obviously, we take her with us."
I raised an eyebrow, "What the hell do we do it Mori wants us to kill her? Because if he gives the order to execute her, I'm not doing it."
Dazai gave me a curious look before answering, "We'll figure that out when we get there then."
I gave a reluctant nod and stood up, offering the girl my hand. She took it, but remained cautious the entire time. Her eyes would dart around, like she was worried something was going to pop out and attack... or that something was going to pop out and that we would attack them.
Just out of curiousity, I perked my ears and listened closely to every sound inside the warehouse we were in. I could hear Dazai, this girl's, and my own breathing but there was something else. It was quiet, almost completely silent... yet I had managed to pick up the sound. Muffled, barely there whispers came from the opposite end of the building, I could occasionally hear a silent 'shh'. I glanced back at the girl who Dazai still had his hands resting on and I shook my head, whatever or whoever it was wanted to stay hidden... and I was pretty sure this girl wanted them to stay hidden as well.
I grumbled and kicked a rock down the street, the sun setting behind my back. Dazai was in front of me with our 'prisoner' and he would occasionally try hitting on her. However, the girl wouldn't respond, her head nodding off to the side every now and then. I stared as her head nodded to the right slowly, and then she jerked it back up quickly. I sighed and scrubbed a hand down my face, "Hold up, Dazai."
The male stopped abruptly and turned towards me, a questioning look on his face. I motioned towards the girl who continued to nod off and Dazai's expression changed to one of realization. I stretched out quickly and then activated my ability, a purple glow lighting up the street. Once it was gone, my large fox form trotted towards Dazai and the girl. I crouched low so he could set the girl on my back and then climb on himself. If I wasn't so exhausted, I wouldn't have bothered letting Dazai on but I just wanted to get back and crawl in bed as soon as possible.
Once they both were on, I took off back towards the Port Mafia's headquarters. My feet pounded the sidewalk as I navigated through the streets, my urge to get home driving me. As we got closer, my running turned into a slow trot, and when we were finally outside the building, I stopped completely. Dazai pushed himself off my back and then I lowered myself so he could grab the girl, who coincidentally had fallen asleep.
My chest heaved up and down heavily and the hairs on the back of neck stood up straight. The girl, who I had learned her name was Shion, was behind me. Mori stood across the room from both of us, his ability activated. My ability had also been activated, and my ears were flat against my head.
"Dammit Mori!! You can't kill everyone that makes you unhappy!!! And you sure as hell aren't gonna make me do it for you either!!"
Mori ran forward and tried to attack me again, causing my eyes to widen and me to grab Shion and lunge to the side. His attack didn't hit either of us, but created a lot of noise. I grunted as we both landed on the floor, an angry growl leaving my throat as I glared at Mori. Shion struggled to her feet and then grabbed me, pulling me up after her. My eyes remained steady on Mori, purple wisps flashing dangerously around my eyes. "You need to back off. Now."
Shion stared at me, the panic building up, "What? What do you mean? What's going to happen, Kotori?"
I ignored her pleas to tell her what I was planning, instead I shouted, "DAZAI GET IN HERE NOW."
The door opened quietly and the male stepped inside, "Shion you need to come out here with me, now."
He stepped forward and grabbed her hand, tugging her towards the door quickly. Mori lunged towards them and I moved in front of the escaping pair, "Where are you going? We're not done yet."
He tried throwing a fist my way, but I ducked low and grabbed his arm. Stepping around behind him, I twisted his arm and held on tightly. "Listen up, jackass. You're going to fucking stop this shit, right now. You're acting like a fucking..." I twisted his arm tighter, a small popping sounded from his shoulder, "child. Now listen up, because I'm not repeating myself. You're not killing that girl. She'd be a much better asset than a corpse!!" My eyes glowed dangerously as I growled at him.
Mori sighed, his body slumping slightly. "Why?"
I loosened my grip and shoved him to the ground, "She's got a crazy powerful ability. Like... she can't control it, but all of the destroyed warehouses? They've been an accident. She hasn't meant to destroy any of them. You need to keep her alive."
Mori rolled over onto his back and stared at me, "Fine. We'll keep the girl alive however, Dazai and yourself are in charge of her ability training."
I shrugged and began making my way towards the door, "Fine by me, Old man."
He threw a scalpel at the back of my head, only for me to catch it between my fingers. "You're too slow."
I opened the door and then stepped out, closing it behind me.
Shion and Dazai were sat with their ears pressed to the wall, both of them springing away when I stepped into the hall. I laughed at them both and rolled my eyes, "Alright," I point towards Shion, "You're good." I pointed towards Dazai, "We have to help her learn to use her ability properly."
Dazai nodded and Shion sat with her mouth agape, "You were able to... convince him?"
I nodded and looked away, "Uh... more or less. It just took some... serious bargaining."
They both raised an eyebrow at me, yet they stayed silent.
Shion yawned loudly and rubbed her eyes, "Do you have anywhere I can take a nap?"
I snickered quietly, "Sure, come with me and we can both get some rest. I could use a pretty long nap myself."

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