Chapter 24

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It was the day after we had officially added Ari to our ragtag family and needless to say, I hadn't slept at all the previous night. I didn't want the small girl laying in front of me to have a fitful sleep so I tried my hardest to keep an eye on her. Occasionally she had whimpered or cried out in her sleep, causing me to stay awake all night. Between watching over the girl and trying to avoid my own nightmares, I wouldn't let myself rest at all throughout the night. I stood slowly from the chair I was in and made my way quietly to the kitchen. I took two plates from one of the cabinets and set them on the counter, next I pulled out a frying pan from another cabinet and finally some ingredients from the fridge. I hummed to myself as I began to prepare making breakfast, a content sigh leaving me. I was about to turn the stove on when a shout from my brother's apartment spooked me. A loud thud came from my room and I quickly ran in there to find Ari twisted up in the sheets from the cot and lying on the floor in a daze. "Kotori..? What... was that?"
The girl's voice was frightened and confused.
I shook my head and offered her a hand up, "I'm not sure but it came from Atsushi's room. Let's go make sure he's ok."
We made our way quickly from my apartment and towards my brother's, a worried look on Ari's face. The girl tried the doorknob and then shook her head in my direction worriedly. I sighed and lifted my right foot as far up as I could and then suddenly brought it down on the knob. The entire thing snapped off the door and clattered to the floor, but neither Ari nor myself paid it any attention as we entered my brother's apartment.
Ari burst into his bedroom with a frantic expression but suddenly froze and stood completely shocked. I came up behind her, resting a hand on her shoulder, "Hey what's the..."
My eyes landed on Atsushi with his back pressed to the wall and Kyouka on her knees bowed in front of him, a tray of food in front of her. I closed my eyes and growled in agitation, "Atsuuushiiiii...."
I opened my eyes and lunged at the boy, "YOU'RE DEAD!!"
I sat at my desk in the office, a yawn slipping past my lips. I couldn't deny the fact that I was beyond exhaustion, but I refused to let myself even think of sleeping. I didn't want to have to see the monster that I truly was and yet, deep down I needed to sleep.
Dazai, Kunikida, and my brother were discussing the Guild with Sherlock, who I had helped find an apartment near mine immediately after meeting him. Ari sat close by, gazing at my brother with a puppy love filled expression.
Shion and Rin were nowhere to be found at the moment, telling me that both of them were probably on jobs, if not on one together. I still wasn't entirely ready to face Rin or Shion after the things I had done, and if I was being honest... I wasn't sure I ever would be. I would just have to make sure I was as ready as possible when the time finally came.
I frowned slightly and allowed my head to fall forward just for a moment of rest, but the door slamming open scared me completely awake.
"BAD NEWS!" Tanizaki burst into the room, panic written on his face. I quirked a brow, confusion forming until I heard the rotors of a helicopter above the building. I stood swiftly, my chair collapsing to the ground behind me. "What the hell...?"
Sherlock's expression became one of absolute fear, his body shaking violently. I rushed towards him, placing my hands on his shoulders gently, "Sherl... I need you to breathe buddy, can you do that for me? Take deep breaths."
The main door opened wide, a boisterous man walking into the room, a woman and man following him. The girl made me feel uneasy and move a step back, but the men gave me the urge to kick them right back out of the room. The man in the lead looked towards Sherlock and I, a malicious grin forming on his face. Sherlock squeaked and grabbed tightly onto my shirt sleeve, his body shaking much worse than before. I could practically smell the fear coming from the boy, causing me to step in front of him protectively.
The man's eyes suddenly turned to Ari and the hair on the back of my neck stood completely on end. My ability subconsciously activated, both tails and my ears sprouting. My fangs and claws emerged as well and I snarled at the man. A monstrous, animalistic urge filled my body, begging me to rip him to pieces and end his miserable life. Suddenly a hand gripped my shoulder and my head whipped around towards Dazai. The male had a firm grip on my shoulder, his eyes holding worry. My head slowly cleared, almost like a fog lifting from my brain. My ability deactivated and it was only then that I realized my body had begun to approach the blonde man.
I clenched my fists and dropped my head, anger washing through me. I lost control... This is really bad. If I can't even control myself... what right do I have protecting any of these people? Especially when I could kill them because... I'm nothing but an inhuman monster.

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